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ID: ESI303

Cultural values of America and Kazakhstan

Values are the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, good and bad. They also tell us which are more and less important, which is useful when we have to trade off meeting one value over another. We took into consideration some values of America and Kazakhstan. This article will be helpful to see these countries’ differences and similarities of values. There are such American values, like:

Time management. Americans say “Time is money”. The time is so valued in America by considering it to be important one can clearly accomplish more that if one “wastes” time and does not keep busy. 

Work. “Do not just stand there” goes a typical bit of American advice, “Do something!”. Americans routinely plan and schedule an extremely active day. Work is a strong pattern in their society. 

Directness. They are encouraged to speak up give their opinions about something. Americans generally consider themselves to be frank, open and direct. The directness, openness and honesty of them began in early days. 

Meanwhile Kazakh people usually possess:

Hospitality. Children learn hospitality and respect from a very young age and it’s offered in a wonderful way to all guests. The Kazakh people have a long tradition of peace, tolerance and coexistence. Traditionally a nomadic culture and hospitality of people have always been an important parts of Kazakhs. 

Tradition. Kazakh tradition and culture have been passed from one generation to another through oral stories told by traditional Kazakh tribal leaders and elders. As it’s known already tradition includes itself Kazakhstani festivals, cuisine, national clothes and so on.  

Directness. Kazakhs do not call some things by its names. For instance, “green” used instead of “lightning”. A daughter-in-law uses other names for her husband’s relatives.  

In conclusion, in my article I represented some values of two different countries: America and Kazakhstan. Obviously there are differences and similarities in some cases. Those are the features of each nation which I respect and accept as they are. No matter how the values are different, people of both countries are kind and friendly.

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Зинеп Әбдіссаламова “EtonHouse Kazakhstan” халықаралық Мектебің ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Маңғыстау облысы, Ақтау қаласы Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000091
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