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Features of the organization of speech activity of preschoolers in early foreign language teaching

Abstract: Due to the certain social and economic situation, interest in learning foreign languages does not disappear. There is a demand not only for adults, but also for preschoolers. Many experts believe that due to certain mental and psychophysiological characteristics of children of this group of age, it is noted that preschool age is the most favorable period. There are many programs for parents to learn a foreign language, but the choice of teaching methods, learning process, method of organization, preparation of teaching materials does not lose its relevance. The article considers the main principles of the problem of features of the development of speech and language skills of preschool children.

Key words: study of a foreign language, preschoolers, psycholinguistic features.

        The goal and task of every teacher and educator is to give modern education and upbringing to our generation, which is growing in accordance with the requirements of the 21st century. Improving the quality of education in preschool organizations, that is, kindergartens, is a difficult and urgent task. Because mastering several languages will help our younger generation to unravel the mysteries of world science and apply another innovative approach. 

Teaching a foreign language in preschool organizations meets modern requirements. When teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to set a communicative goal and strive to achieve it. In order to develop an appropriate early learning program, it must be adapted to the topic, taking into account the age characteristics. This is because the program should help the child to further develop mental development, worldview, feelings and emotions, moral and aesthetic qualities and knowledge.

The relevance of teaching a foreign language in preschool institutions is based on scientific evidence about the need to make the most of the sensitive period in children. The age group on the issue under consideration is characterized by special psycholinguistic features. It is characterized by a good linguistic memory, which allows actively expanding the lexical base, intuitively mastering grammatical phenomena, as well as the ability to model speech at the phonetic, lexico-grammatical, stylistic levels.

According to the current research by scientists, by the age of 3, 80% of the development of brain cells is completed. At this age, the child develops speech skills. If the information is conveyed to the child correctly and effectively, he will be able to remember a lot of information. Also, at this age, the ability to remember for a long time is especially developed. Repeating the material regularly, the child easily memorizes foreign words. Learning foreign languages improves memory, perception, thinking, imagination, etc. in children. It makes sense to start foreign languages with English, because it is an international language, the language of the future. In general, we often listen to foreign music in our life, including young people. In addition, most computer programs are written in English, many videos on the Internet and many books are written in English. In this regard, many experts agree that preschool is a good time to learn a foreign language, depending on the mental abilities of the child. The ability to quickly memorize language information, the ability to analyze and organize speech streams in different languages, the natural ability to imitate, the absence of language barriers.

In 1997, the author of the article "Teaching English in Kindergarten" in No. 2 of the journal "Foreign Languages at School" shared about the successful completion of a four-year experiment. The author of the article says: “It is now legal to teach children of this age to speak a foreign language at an early age, as it allows young children to learn and deepen their knowledge of a foreign language. However, it is unclear what actions were taken during this experiment.

As President Nazarbayev said, "Kazakhstan should be recognized throughout the world as a country with a trilingual culture." Therefore, the goal of teaching a foreign language at an early age is to improve the communication skills of children, to arouse their interest. It is necessary to think over the optimal way of the child's perception of the problem of speech in a foreign language. One way to do this is by using a game element. The game is an educational tool that develops a child's knowledge and skills. Given that play is a leading activity in preschool, it is very effective to conduct educational activities organized for children so that they can see their adult life in the form of play, which is often aimed at developing the ability to speak. The game creates and helps to quickly master the language at any age. In this case, a wide variety of games aimed at teaching English can be widely used: rule-based games, role-playing games, in-depth games, linguistic and grammatical games. For example, you can get a phonetic rhyme for the organizational phase of the lesson.

Considering that phonetics occupies the most important place in teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to actively use the phonetic method. Phonetic exercises can also be used to teach children to speak in a fun and engaging way. For example, read poetry to practice different languages, read fairy tales, tell familiar words, listen and read through audio. When explaining or introducing new words to children 4-5 years old, it is important to pay special attention to the age and psychophysiological characteristics of the child. This is because at this age the speech of children obeys the laws of the senses. Colorful illustrations, bright pictures are an irreplaceable assistant in teaching young children. Explaining new words with beautiful illustrations and colorful pictures and using them in certain actions, the child quickly learns and learns. If the child is shown the same picture over and over again, he will be bored. Therefore, it is recommended to update the visual aids.

In the process of learning a foreign language at an early age, the integration of playing with fingers in a 5-7-year-old child also has a positive effect, because through playing with fingers, the child develops fine motor skills.

According to Z.Y. Futerman, the time for classes for children 3-4 years old is 15-20 minutes, for children 5-7 years old, 20-25 minutes is enough. Due to this, Futerman also needs to change the action every 5 minutes for effective training.

In addition to preschool, English can be taught with a homestay. To do this, you can organize didactic games at home. It's like learning the names of the dishes that are added to the menu when you're in a simple kitchen.

In English, it can be used in the form of crosswords, riddles, bingo, linguistic games, shopping, furniture placement, phone calls, clothing matching.

Here I often use the game "Find the Right Word" from my own experience. The goal of the game is to form the student's attention to the correct finding and pronunciation of the necessary words. I speak general words about this lesson, and students repeat them. " Who’s the faster?", "Show me", "What is this?", "What's missing?" games are an irreplaceable tool.

Psychologically, a child remembers it best through pictures, that is, visual effects.

Teaching children a foreign language should be communicative, when a child learns language as a means of communication, that is, not only learns individual words and speech patterns, but also learns to make statements in accordance with communicative needs in accordance with known models. Communication in a foreign language should be motivated and purposeful. It is necessary to form a positive psychological attitude in the child to the knowledge of a foreign language. The way to create such positive motivation is through play. Cool games should be sporadic and isolated. In the process of language learning, a play method is needed that combines and integrates other activities. Play techniques are based on the creation of an imaginary situation and the adoption by the child or teacher of a certain role. Teaching a foreign language in kindergarten is aimed at teaching and developing children.

In turn, the use of game methods is one of the main components of educational activity. In addition, the play element is an interesting way to develop lexical material. However, special attention should be paid to the choice of lexical material. The presented materials should be speech and convey to the child certain concepts in the native language. Preschoolers are well versed in words for specific objects that can be used or touched, as well as verbs for movement and action. Sample vocabulary topics include the following topics: English alphabet, counting, colors, toys, body parts, animals, and more. Here you can use the following methods of memorizing lexical material: 

- prediction of pictures (words, toys, riddles)

- minutes of physical activity (names of actions, actions and commands)

- attention, explanatory games (the teacher names lexical units or shows toys, pictures)

- by name or image. This is how vocabulary tasks become interesting.

A fairy tale is a productive type of educational material that is very suitable for the child's age and visual thinking, aimed at developing his ability to listen and speak in a foreign language. According to L. Je, the tale serves as a "children's journey." The accessibility and simplicity of the story, its proximity to the inner world of the preschooler create cognitive interest. At an early stage, theatrical events, lessons with elements of fairy tales, and fairy tales were used to develop the English language.

American scientist and philosopher Dale Carnegie said: “First of all, you need to be able to create human needs. Anyone who can do this will be recognized all over the world. " The main task of a child in creating a need is to learn a foreign language. It is necessary to start developing students' thinking. 

Childhood is a time of new discoveries, a new stage of cognition, a time when this material is assimilated faster and with less effort. Teaching a foreign language to a preschooler can be considered a stage of preparation for school, so in the future it will be easier for him to adapt to a heavy load. He develops communication skills in both native and foreign languages, develops accuracy, perseverance, hard work and interest in new knowledge. However, the choice of methods, goals and objectives of preschool education in the field of foreign languages remains unresolved. Additional preschool education of children is considered as an independent component of the modern education model. Parents should choose the most suitable program from the many that they offer.

List of literature references:

1. Why is it better to start learning English from early childhood? - Access mode: http://edinstvennaya.ua/psychology/self-development/8831-pochemu-angliyskiy-luchshe-nachinat-uchit-s-rannego-detstva

2. Mashinistova N.V. Language development of senior preschool children // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. - 2012. - No. 9. Access mode: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/yazykovoe-razvitie-detey-starshego-doshkolnogo-vozrasta

3. Futerman Z. Ya. Foreign language in kindergarten. - Kiev, 1984.

4. V. V. Shchebedina Teaching children to speak English in kindergarten // Foreign languages at school - 1997. - №2. - S. 55-58.

5. Sholpo I.L. How to teach a preschooler to speak English: A textbook on the methodology of teaching English for pedagogical universities, colleges and schools in the specialty `` Teacher of a foreign language in kindergarten ''. - SPb., 1999.

6. Skorikova TI Features of the formation of lexical skills in preschool children in the process of educational activities in the English language [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/razvitie-rechi/2013/08/27/osobennosti-formirovaniya-leksicheskikh-navykov-u-detey



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Sholpan Havalash Bolashak Academy in Karaganda Faculty of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Master's student of group MIN-20-2 Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000389
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