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ID: ESI709

Respect for the language - respect for the people

        The modern world has shaped our views on languages and communities. Each community whether it is located in Africa or America started making their own corrections into the language. It also had become more varied due to the assimilation processes happening around the world. As a result, the language we have today has become universal in most cases. Nevertheless, all nations have started to save what they have. It is to keep uniqueness of their language, saving their traditions and customs. Even though a lot of people study international languages for better communication, they try to develop their own too. Language is a great tool in any culture. By saving the language we can save diversity. So, respect for the language is respect for the people that own this language.

         Each language is a whole world. Language is the living soul of the people, their joy, memory, and treasure. The language of the people is one of its main treasures. Each generation passes on its language, culture, customs and traditions to the next. When we travel abroad, we are keen on learning some catch phrases that will lead to better communication. Language is a huge part of the culture that can open to us new horizons and broaden our understanding of the world. Knowing the language of the country will quickly put you to the right communication with the locals, so it will be easier and more interesting to know the lifestyle of people there. The discovery of each language in the place of its use is the most exciting travelling that anyone might get. The warmness of local people that will direct you without any difficulties can be an asset while being in the foreign country.

         To sum up, I want to highlight the importance of speaking different languages. As a teacher and a person who speaks several languages, living in the trilingual country, I want every student to get the best out of this life. Knowing these languages and living in Kazakhstan where we welcome these abilities can help them in the future to realize their full potential in any sphere they choose. They would be respected because they know language and respect people who use this language by speaking in their language. And most importantly they also can speak and use their own language.

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Гүлнар Нұрахметова «Қажымұқан атындағы жалпы орта мектебі» КММ-нің ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Түркістан облысы, Ордабасы ауданы, Бадам елді мекені Ұлы дала ұстазы № 000336
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