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ID: ESI639

The lesson should be interesting!

Аmong many possible criteria  for assessing the teacher's work in the first place, it seems that the student's attitude toward the teacher and the subject taught because it is largely determines the success and disruption of children on the steep paths of cognitions.  Working at the Zh. Kereyev  school (21 years), I am convinced that the success in teaching and upbringing is provided by a creative approach to their implementation . This allows students to develop the need to learn, the ability to work rationally, develop their thinking abilities, speech activity, show creativity and independence in solving   tasks. For myself, I made the following conclusions, оnly an enthusiastic person can attract others, to teach students to think creatively can only be the one who himself creatively approaches the organization of their activities.  It must be remembered that our attitude to the matter is passed on to the children.   Getting to work on the topic, you need to clearly understand what exactly the pupils should learn, what to know and be able to.  I think it is necessary to thoroughly think through each lesson in order to conduct it as a whole,   with well-grounded transitions from the stage to the stage. I encourage students to analyze, conclusions, judgments.   I combine the material of different lessons into one new one, linking it with life situations, providing for individual assignments of a different nature ( advancing, search). I pay special attention to the organization of independent work of students (individual, in pairs, work in threes, in groups,  teamwork ). And at the same time  to   ensure the maximum employment of each. All stages of the lesson are completed by an analysis done by the students of the work, showing the achieved result.  In planning a lesson, I think about its equipment, which maximally affects students and ensures the use of language as a means of communication. The practice justified the creation of self-made visual aids – books clamshell, tables for monitoring and self-monitoring,  cards «Guess!» and etc.  I consider the attitudes, methods and forms of work to be effective, which ensure the desire of students to perform each task. Often this is a role-playing game, in which everyone participates, as it is interesting in every subject and theme. One of the effective forms of activating the speech activity of students is the group form of work. This greatly increases the language practice  and  develop s   creative initiative. Control is an integral part of the educational process. The control of knowledge, skills and abilities is effective if it is conducted in interesting forms for students, with elements of the competition. The key to success I think is the relationship with children.  It is important to understand  everyone, to be able to see their eyes, not to lose the course of their thoughts, to "step along" with them, to teach, to bring up each lesson, to teach students to learn, to include everyone in active mental and speech activity, to develop their creative initiative. Together with the children, I am happy and amazed at the new, I observe, perceive, comprehend, analyze, evaluate, draw conclusions, summarize the results. Practice has shown that non-standard forms and methods of work are most effective. How does "non-standard" the lesson and its individual stages look like in practice?  Imagine the mood of the fifth graders, who on a sunny April day, and even on the fifth lesson of the second shift, the teacher mysteriously says: "Children, today we will not study. Today "we will fly into space..». The children's eyes light up, smiles appear, they are waiting for the installation, because they know that we are learning, but we study unusually, interestingly, and so with desire. Here's the setup: flying into space is a responsible thing. To get to the most distant from the Earth orbit   want everyone, but because-active reading in a low voice. I quickly draw the Earth and five near-Earth orbits. Five orbits - five cosmonauts. Who to the board! There are always more. The remaining on the ground become members of the selection committee. Oh, how strict this commission! She notices all the shortcomings in reading. The text is "drilled" through the eyes of everyone, nonworking and indifferent no! Each cosmonaut has a doublers (they choose themselves). Now five pairs are leaving for a joint training, during which the cosmonauts prepare doublers.  I give time for preparation. What to do "unselected"? I declare them as service personnel and begin to work out the technical side of the flight, that is, I work on the technique of reading by chorus and individually, over pronunciation, intonation, reading speed, I check the understanding of the read. After the time the cosmonauts and doublers again before the commission. The commission distributes doublers on orbits, the teacher praises the whole class and puts out marks. In general, I complete the task of the lesson: the development of reading technique. In the lessons children are not constrained. I teach them to use gestures, mimicry, move around the class. To develop the reaction of the respondent, we play tennis, we play "spots" for the assimilation of the natural type of speech, we learn to ask questions, play in "Sherlock Holmes", in "Confusion" for training the use of negation, "Girlfriends-talkers" - the use of lexical material, "Sloth" – for  training in the use of the future tense. These and other gaming techniques create a working mood in the lesson. For example, in the sixth grade, students should be introduced to the degrees of comparison of adjectives. For example, in the sixth grade, students should be introduced to the degrees of comparison of adjectives

They easily and quickly learn, if we "go" on a trip to an strange country, where we see one big city, another bigger, the third  the largest, the streets are wide, the areas are beautiful, the rivers are long, the villages are small.   In this presentation, children quickly understand the essence of the formation of degrees of comparison. You can, for example, show a picture and say: it's an elephant. But how much more effective will the result be if you go to the zoo (while staying at the desks). And what are the only options we did not go to the zoo: both families and employees of the zoo. We also visited an attraction (it was necessary to guess whose tail, nose, paws it was). We "bought" postcards of animals and told about each. And I and the students got satisfaction from the final lesson on theme, which was called "In the circle of music lovers". We brought to the lesson the records of our favorite songs, really formed a circle, listened carefully to the statements of the students on the topic, exchanged opinions and presented each other musical gifts. It would be wrong to think that non-standard methods and forms of work are only entertaining. The game in its own way is serious, as it is a means of achieving the goal, contains something new that is subject to mastering or training in use.

In an effort to activate the mental and speech activity of everyone, to educate a thinking and creative person, using techniques and forms of work that allow this to be achieved.

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Ботагоз Кабылова Общеобразовательная средняя школа им. Ж. Кереева учитель английского языка Актюбинская область, Темирский район, п.Шубаркудук Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000323
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3 ноября 2021 20:58
Супер только вперед
3 ноября 2021 21:02
Супер у тебя все получится только вперёд!
3 ноября 2021 21:03
Супер только вперёд . Молодчина!!!!