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ID: ESI637

Language status – the status of the country !

                                     “ If you talk to a man  in a language  he understands,that goes  to his head. If you talk  to him in his language , that goes to his heart”


Language is a precious treasure that has been used since the birth of the human race, which has changed for us today. It is impossible to imagine a day without a language. Because it is our means of communication, which has completely interfered with our lives. Since I am a descendant of the Kazakh language, the Kazakh language is for me the most complex and beautiful language in the world. The Kazakh language is so complex,beautiful,and suggestive that Kazakhs themselves cannot sing the Kazakh Nightingale.

We pay more attention to the language than we do now. Because now we live in a time when education and science are developing and going beyond the limits. This is a great honor. In the Republic of  Kazakhstan, according to our time, three languages are being studied. That is, every child in Kazakhstan is educated according to his time. But, " know all other languages, respect your language." It is important to remember this.

It is also worth noting that many people fought for the liberation of the language.. But it seems that we are still fighting. Because it will be difficult for us to live in Kazakhstan without knowing the Kazakh language. In addition, it is necessary to understand the value of our language, no matter how many times we live in it. In any country, the first thing to be tested is the respect of its people for their native language. After all, a foreigner or a person who speaks another language says, "the people of this country are true patriots. If you live in such a patriotic country in a different language, they will have a bad attitude " - who is the guarantee that they will also sing in Kazakh?

Paustovsky's words:” a person who does not feel sorry for his native language is an insect, " come to mind. A person who forgets his native language loses both the past and the future of his people. Mother tongue is a measure of conscience In the next address of the head of State N. Nazarbayev, the problem was the language. 

Language is an inexhaustible wealth. The more languages you know, the higher you are. We convey the treasures of the past, present, and future in our language. Thanks to the language, we can preserve our traditions, religion, mentality, crafts and pass them on to the next generation. 

In modern Kazakh society, there is the following attitude to the Kazakh language: 1) sincere sympathizers with the blood of the nation, with a high spiritual background; 2) those who want the sacred Kazakh language to grow and expand; 3) those who remain in two circles, that is, who are ready to "kill" whatever language they choose; 4) are completely ignorant of the Kazakh language. The Kazakh language would be lit up only if there was a day when these views converge and unite in one interest…

Today, the trilingual language for Kazakhstan is the first step in the country's pursuit of competitiveness. After all, Kazakhstanis who speak and write fluently in several languages become competitive people both in their own country and abroad. The fate of language is the fate of the country. Everyone is obliged to know their native language and master the state languageToday's young people should be fluent in 3 languages. These are Russian,English and our native language-Kazakh.However,there are many people who speak shorak in their own language and speak a different language.In this regard,the proverb of our wise people "know all other languages, respect your language" comes to mind.In conclusion, I want to say to all young people,let's respect our native language,let's not let it disappear,let's not abuse the trust of our ancestors to us, let's participate in the prosperity of our native language.

 In a conclusion without language, the life of the people and the country is impossible. In order to become a recognized country in the world, we need to raise the status of our language. The history and genealogy of our ancestors, various literary heritage have reached today's generation through our native language. The history of the language is similar to the history of the people and is a unique concept. As the society moves and changes, language also evolves. As you know, in the years since the issue of the Kazakh language was raised to the state level, it has done a lot of important work for the native language of both the public and young people.

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Муножат Эрметова Е.Юсупов атындағы №104 ЖОББМ, ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Туркестан облысы, Еңбекші ауданы, Базарқақпа ауылы. Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000321
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Эрметов Нодирбек
1 ноября 2021 11:57
Excellent. Good