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ID: ESI348

Methodical recommendations for teachers

    This manual is intended for 7 and 8-grade students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools.

    The purpose of this manual is mastering the basic phonetic difficulties of the English language.

The manual consists of 4 sections: Hobbies and Interests, Holidays and Travel, Natural Disasters and Healthy Habits. Each of the sections includes phonetic drills, tongue-twisters, and idioms, practical part, control exercises according to the appropriate topic based on NIS-Programme. 

    The manual also includes developmental exercises for organs of speech (articulatory gymnastics) that students have to articulate sounds correctly both separately and in a stream of speech, correctly formulate the sound of the statement according to the studied phonetic phenomena, sufficiently design the speech in extra-linguistic situations, understand authentic speech.

    The content of this manual is a material for practical phonetics in 1-2 terms. Teachers may use these provided materials as warm up, to introduce a new topic of the lesson as the main and as additional materials for 7 and 8-grade students.

     Бұл ұсынылып отырған нұсқаулық Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерінің 7 және 8 сынып оқушыларына арналған. Нұсқаулықтың мақсаты ағылшын тілінің негізгі фонетикалық қиындықтарын меңгеру болып табылады. Нұсқаулық 4 секциядан тұрады: Hobbies and Interests, Holidays and Travel, Natural Disasters and Healthy Habits.  Бөлімдердің әрқайсысы NIS -Бағдарламасы негізінде тиісті тақырып бойынша фонетикалық жаттығулар, жаңылтпаштар және идиомалар, практикалық жаттығуларды қамтиды.

   Сондай-ақ, оқулықта оқушылардың сөйлеу ағынынан бөлек және сөйлеу ағынында дыбыстарды дұрыс айтуы, зерттелген фонетикалық құбылыстарға сәйкес сөздердің дыбысталуын дұрыс тұжырымдай білуі, жеткілікті дәрежеде дұрыс айта білуі,сөйлеу органдарына (артикуляциялық гимнастика, әсіресе тілдік дефектері бар оқушылар, кекештену) арналған жаттығулар кіреді - лингвистикалық жағдаяттар, шынайы сөйлеуді үйреніп білу қамтылған.

    Ұсынылған   материалдарды мұғалім Warm-up немесе оқушыларға негізгі және қосымша материалдар ретінде ,сабақтың жаңа тақырыбын енгізу мақсатында қолдануға  ұсынылады.

Section 1.  Phonetic exercises for introductory lesson. 

 1.1. Read and Practice the vowels

                     [αı] [ı] 

 White/ pine /thin/ nine /bin/ like / five/ lip /fine /six /bill / nice /milk/ chips /kite /mine /plane/ name/bare 

  1. Read and write the following words:

 [smαıl] ______________________________




[slim] ________________________________






 [fi ∫]_________________________________


1.3.Read the tongue-twisters ,practice and say as fast as you can.

    She sells seashells on the seashore of Seychelles.
     The shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure.
     For if she sells seashells on the seashore,
     Then I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

        Betty Botter bought some butter,
        But, she said, the butter’s bitter.
    If  I put it in my batter,
        It will make my batter bitter

         1.4.Put the tongue-twisters into the correct order 

She sells seashells on the seashore of Seychelles.

For if she sells seashells on the seashore,

Then I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

The shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure.

If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter 

But, she said, the butter’s bitter.
Betty Botter bought some butter,

1.5. Put the words into the correct order 


         b) ifwieeputhittinmygbatterItywillrmakebmyfbattercbitterbutgshemsaidsthejbutters rbitterbettyybotterboughtsomeddffthbutter

1.6.Which idiom describes the situations in the pictures?                                   

 1.They're going at it                                 2. He's enjoying some 

a) hook, line and sinker                                   a) beer and skittles 

b) body and soul                                              b) fun and games 

c) hammer and tongs                                      c) peace and quiet                                      

3.He's critically ill. It's _______                    4. He's explaining some of the ____of football.

a) life and limb                                                      a) whys and wherefores

b) body and soul                                                   b) ifs and buts

c) touch and go                                                      c) ins and outs                                                     Section 2.  Phonetic exercises for introductory lesson.

2.1. Read and Practice the vowels


А black cat sat on а mat

And ate а fat rat.
 Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat,

Can you catch that big, fat, rat?

If you catch that bad, fat rat,

You will have some milk fоr that.

 2.2.Finish the rhymes: 

Bat, bat, sit down on mу ...... hat.
 Cat, cat, eat that …….. rat.
 Who is sitting b
у the ham,

Just behind the applе jam?

Is it оur Pussy-Cat?

No, it is а black, fat. ....rat.
 Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat,

That fat rat is very ...... bad.

If you catch it, I’ll be ....... glad,

I'll give you some milk fоr that.
 Don't pat m
у rabbit,

Better give it……. а саrrоt.

Don't pat mу cat,

Better give him...... a slice of ham 

2.3. Read and Practice the tongue-twisters

Whether the weather be fine 

Or whether the weather be not 

Whether the weather be cold 

Or whether the weather be not

            We will walk together

            Whatever the weather 

            Whether we like it or not 

 Swan swam over the sea,                                        

Swim, swan, swim!

Swan swam back again

Well swum, swan!  

2.4. Which is correct?

1. Arrangements that are decided or final are said to be______
a) safe and sound 

b) home and dry 

c) cut and dried
2. A person in a cheerful mood may be described as being ______
a) hale and hearty

 b) alive and kicking 

c) bright and breezy
3. A place that looks clean and tidy is said to be _______
a) fair and square

 b) spick and span 

c) home and dry
4. A casual, relaxed person may be described as being_______
a) free and easy

 b) meek and mild 

c) slow but sure
5. A person who is no longer young but who is physically fit may be described as being _______
a) alive and kicking 

b) safe and sound 

c) hale and hearty


Section 3.  Phonetic exercises for introductory lesson.


3.1.Try to remember all the words with these sounds. 

[m]-my, name, from, America.

[n]-name, Great Britain, Kazakhstan.

[o]-what, from, not



[f]-fine, from

[k]-America, Africa.



3.2.Phonetic drill:

One, one, one, little dogs runs,

Two, two, two cats see you

Three, three, three birds on a tree,

Four, four, four toys on the floor.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe the horse was lost.

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost.    

For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.

And all for the want of a horse-shoe nail

3.3. Read and Practice the tongue-twisters

 Wee Willy Winkie went walking in the wet wood. 

We're washing with warm water. 

The wild wind whipped Whit from the wharf.

 Warm, whispering winds fill woodland waves.

Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds

 thumped Mr. Thurber on Thursday.

                                                               There those thousand thinkers were thinking how

                                                                did the other three thieves go through.

3.4. Explain the meaning of the idioms in italics. 

                    Zhandos’s father has offered to buy him a new drum, but he won't
                     part with his old one, not for the world.
                     Under no circumstances
1My girlfriend says she doesn't want to have a career and get on in the
She's much happier helping her father at the garage.
2. Indira has got to know a young artist. She says her paintings are
 really out of this world.
3Mr.Marat used to run his own business, but now he's working
 as a shop assistant. Why has he suddenly come down in the world?
4Azamat's obviously feeling on top of the world this morning. He's
 laughing and joking with everyone.
5. No one would think that Zhandos and Bibol are brothers.
 They're worlds apart.

Section 4.  Phonetic exercises for introductory lesson.


4.1. Try to remember all the words with these sounds. 


 Wealth is nothing without health.

 The path leads through the thick forest. 


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper;

A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper

Where's a peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?




Ears for hearing, teeth for biting,

Eyes for seeing, legs for walking

Tongues for tasting and for talking.

Of all the felt I ever felt,

I never felt a piece of felt

Which felt as fine as that felt felt,

When first I felt that felt hat’s felt.

4.2. Complete the conversation by choosing the correct idioms.

on the dole
on the run
on the beat
on the rack
on the dot
on call
on the tiles
on the move
on the off-chance
on balance

-'Hello, Nick!'
 -'Hello, Beber. I wasn't sure that you would be at home. I came1.________. How are you?'
 -2.______,not too bad, but rather nervous at the moment. I'm waiting for the post to come. I'm expecting a letter with my examination results today.'
 -'Do you still want to study medicine?'
 -'Not really. Being a doctor has its disadvantages you're 3.______ at weekends and sometimes at night.'
 -'Why not join the police force?'
 -'As a detective, yes, but for the first few years you're a constable 4.____ ,or you're chasing escaped prisoners 5._________.Imwouldn't like that.'
 -'How about journalism?'
 -'No, you're 6_____too much, never in one place for long.But I'll have to start applying for jobs soon, or I shall end up 7. _____ , like thousands of others. Look, here's the postman.
 Nine o'clock 8.  _____. And here's my letter!'
 -'Well, go on, open it! Don't leave me 9. ______!' 'It says I've passed with A grades in all subjects.'
 -'Wonderful! Congratulations!'
 -'Well, tonight we'll have a night 10. ______ to celebrate.'

4.3.Put the words into correct order

all the head when aches the body the is worse.” —  English Proverb 

“an a day keeps apple the away doctor.” —  English Proverb 

“is  joyfulness your health half.” —  Czech Proverb 

“health the of is sleep beginning.” — Irish Proverb 

“good is the health of beauty sister.” —  Maltese Proverb 

“a man a healthy successful  is man.” — English Proverb 

4.4. Match the idioms in column A with their meanings in column B. A B 

1. in your dreams                                    a. an idea or plan that could never happen because it is impossible 

2. a dream come true                              b. something is unlikely to happen; something that you say to someone who’s hoping for something that you don’t believe will happen  

3. broken dreams                                    c. would not even consider doing something because it’s wrong 

4. wouldn’t dream of doing                    d. wishes or desires that could never happen because it is impossible 

5. a pipe dream                                       e. something that you wanted very much for a long time that has happened as hoped for


1.English Idioms ,Exercises on Idioms, Oxford English, Jennifer Seidl   1995

2. https://yandex.kz/images/search?family=yes&pos=5&img_url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com 

3. http://usefulenglish.ru/idioms/russian-and-english-proverbs 



6. https://yandex.kz/images/search?text=healthy%20lifestyle&from=tabbar

7. https://engblog.ru/50-difficult-tongue-twisters

8. All pictures and materials are  taken from the Internet\googlepictures\

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Abubakirova Nazym, Alimkulova Dinara, Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Shymkent English teacher Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000251
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