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ID: ESI1789

The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet


As is known, saying of Aristotle that the roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet has deep meaning of forming an adult capable to survive and attain all that are required in real life situations. Even you can find a lot of differences between a couple of children and adults. Of course there are some situations when children become grown-ups earlier rather than their mates due to the difficult life situations they are facing at that time. Thus, organized-academic education that requires children to get out of their comfort zone and start perceiving their aims is worthwhile benefit they can earn in school walls. Teaching should be based on different attitudes that I will consider in the following paragraphs. 

To begin with, tend to be biased by “The Best students”, who do all homework and are active during the lesson or just consider them as a child and letting them skip difficult tasks and too much care can prevent children from maturation. Hardworking is sometimes a necessary step forward success, thus teaching English requires more time to learn and more attention to understand the difference between two different languages. We are all aware that Kazakh language sentence structure is obviously a lot different to English one, that is, students struggle in learning new language structures making too many mistakes.  No doubts, in grammar lessons they can master the English language rules gradually until they start speaking with confidence and express their thoughts without hesitation. This consideration has been made in accordance to the experience of teaching English so many years on my own. I always say to my students that failure is not a disgrace; it is only the lesson that helps you get much better than you used to be.

Secondly, only prolonged endeavor of the teacher, who makes their students absorb all knowledge that can become a life-long benefit for them, corresponds to the teacher’s role in nature. Through training in lessons of reading, listening, speaking and writing they start to grasp the main idea, start partially understand the speech, learn how to construct the sentence, commence to write brief explanation, short essays and even connect the lesson with other subjects. Hardworking on a particular subject, for instance, English, that I have been teaching so many years requires from students reading books, listening to podcasts to gain knowledge and of course, implementing all that knowledge into their daily life. My utmost advice is that significant lessons cannot be taught but be experienced. That’s why I always integrate the real life situation with the subject during the lessons. 

Finally, insufficient care about their feeling can become an obstacle; that is why, the teacher needs to consider the difference of the learners and be able to encounter their level at any time, even evaluating their skills. As is known the saying has an ending that the fruit is sweet. I can proudly state that all my students that I have taught so far, can understand the importance of the knowledge and never give up facing difficulties. They always find solutions, cope with difficulties and deal with the issues they face at any time. 

To sum up, I hold an opinion that the roots of education are bitter refers to conscientious work of students, who can gain the fruits in their life. There are some situations when we cannot find common ground on the issue, but we need to keep the idea that everyone has their own view about life and situation. As a result after all diligent searching, work and training, we always get satisfactory worthwhile results. In my view, the knowledge is important and experience can comprehend what you learnt.  

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Asel Oralbayeva, English teacher of the school number 244 named Y.Zhakhaev. Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 002223
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