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ID: ESI1699

Application of technology of cristical thinking in English lessons

The article is devoted to the topic of the use of technologies for the development of critical thinking in English lessons. Critical thinking is the type of thinking that helps to be critical of any statement, not to take anything for granted without proof, but at the same time be open to new ideas and methods. Critical thinking is a necessary condition for freedom of choice, forecast quality, and responsibility for one's own decisions. Critical thinking is thus - in fact - a kind of tautology, a synonym for quality thinking. This is more of a Name than a concept, but it is under this name with a number of international projects that the technological methods that we will present below have come into our lives. 

The main part of the article is the answer to the question of how to introduce technology in foreign language lessons skillfully. Good advice is given to teachers. The parts of the English lesson with examples of the use of this technology are also clearly divided. This is like a formula or an illustration manual.

To write this article, interviews were conducted with experienced teachers and professors who have devoted their entire lives to this topic. The author used his own experience and other both school and university tutors. 

Key words: technology; critical thinking; efficiency; interest; development; stage.



To successfully   modern ,  people  the  to critically  on  and make   based on the  of  information. A  who is  to think  is  to manipulate;   received   sources, he  a  of the world  on his own  of views.

The   of modern   is the upbringing of a  , responsible, , , competent  of . This is the aim of the   of the Federal   Standards,   not only the  by  of basic  , basic   to the field of , but  the formation of   of educational , so  for the development of the , its , readiness for  , capable of set ,  and use the necessary  and  to achieve,  and  the process and  of . The constant  in the  of knowledge, the   of available , the  to navigate the   of information  us  for a source of new   within the   of educational .

The  of the formation of   in English  is , along   school , it  the problems of   development and  .

For the formation of   activities for , it  to me that the   technology is the  of  thinking,  I use in  lessons.

The  for the  of critical " " students in the   of learning and   knowledge,  the  to think , , structure and  .

Many   of textbooks   the traditional  of the  of a textbook in  . It was proposed to   activity in   educational   the help of , , semantic and  . This  to  the cognitive  of  to transformative and  . At the same , the  was not set to fundamentally  the  status of the  as the  source of  and a  of developing  , the information  in the  was not questioned,  was no  to teach   thinking   with the   of the textbook.

, in the  of modern , in the  of the introduction of  , which   sources of ,  educational  and , an open and   of information, it is  to  the critical  of the . Today it  to the  as a result and  of  education.

  is not a criticism of the  as a  search for  in the  of research.   is one of the ways of   activity,  by the  skills:

  stereotypes  to  conclusions;

  attitudes,  and ;

be able to   a fact  can  be verified and a   or assumption;

 the  inconsistency of  and  speech;

 the  of the problem and   of its creative ;

 the main  the  in the text or in  and be  to focus on the ;

 that  and  generalizations,  , clichés, ,  assumptions are not   and may lead to the  of ;

find the  of  words in any  or ;

be able to  a  about   value , , ideological  the  or the speaking  .


The Material and  

at the  of the study, the   was the static . for  the article,   methods   used,  as , experiment, .  bibliometric   for the section " ". to make   and discuss the , of , analysis, , , deduction and   be required.


The  Review" 

The  of the  of critical  for the  20 years has   in foreign . It is  that  , psychologists and   on the experience of   in the issue of  . In the last , a  number of  and  dissertations   presented, the  of  talk  the  to develop   for both  and  specialists. We   these   the same  of  authors as the  of the  of developing  , namely:  , Gerhard ,  Popper,  W. , Scott ,  Ryan .  Halpern is the  , whose  are  by many of her . In his  “The  of  Thinking”, the   that   is, first of all,  . In Diana  , the nature of   is revealed  the  of problem .  solving,  to , is divided  : preparation and ,  making,   and its evaluation and .  recommends  the  of problems  on the  for presenting the  and  possible ons. Her  presents   for solving   in life and .  approach is   the ideas of  , which  to  rationally.  is  to the problem of " to ", not "what to ".  is known in the  of  thinking for her  , systematic  of all  of the psychology of , and the th of factual .

Not  Halpern  in  approaches. Of  is the  of Scott "  of Evaluation and  ", in which the   a significant  of  examples, new  and  conclusions. Our ,  argues, is by its   selective  it  to thinking. And ,  is influenced by  and  factors,  of  are responsible for the  , and others for the  of a . Thus, the  of  thinking is   to the ability to  and  decisions.   nothing   "correctness", and in  , Plaus  in his  many   help to   this "co". A  number of  on  thinking   by Karl . He  the ideas of   at the basis of the  of . Especially  he  the views of   and Aristotle.   the following  of  of Kant   thinking: “  intellect  and  its laws on the  , thereby  order in ”.  to Popper,  the  of view of   realism,  of  idea can be . He : “We are trying to   on nature.   we fail at  and  along  our  assumptions. But  we get  enough to the  to  our assumptions. And at the  , where we   and argumentative  at our , we can systematically  our . This is the  of ” . Popper   Kant's  at  Thinking in his  : Did the world  a  in time or ?  are two proofs   created in   question. In the  , Popper   in the context of an   of years,  the  must  a  in time,  a  number of   have   now, which is . In the  proof,   that the   have a  in , since if   such a ,  it would be  by a  of time  is  and at the same  is in a  relation to a   - the emergence of the ,  is impossible.

In the  of , Popper  on the  of Aristotle   education,  a  born  is  to learn   to certain ,  he will   like a  and  his place in the .  Vollmer    critical  in  of knowledge,   through (  cannot be ) , guesses,   to our problems,  to . These ,  notes, are  by , that is,  at  that   critical .  of assumptions,  to , is crucial: “by  , it allows us to  the  of the problem we are  to . This is how we   aware of our  and are  to put forward   solutions: the   of a theory,  is,  serious   to our problem, is  a  forward,  us  to the truth.  is how we learn  our mistakes”.  to the  of people to   their own ,  thinking ,  there are no   and complacency.   that our  has a  and progressive  - the  that we can   ability to  our  better   rivals -   the rationality of .

 Ryan   critical   feelings,  is  for the future  as a  specialist.  is a  well   in science.  and  are complementary.   spontaneous,  can be an  impetus for the  of . And thinking,   careful,  to  the most  . Both  and  are natural. ,  is less spontaneous  . The implementation of the  of the  of critical   not stop   these .  are other   dealing   problem,  as M. , D. Wess, D. , R. . All their  are the . According to the  of M. , critical  is a  of independent and   based on  and  using .  to M. Lipman,   do the same as  if we  to teach  to  independently. D.   that the  of  thinking is  out  to the "dialogue  the  and the source of ",  also  . D. Kluster  to use the  baggage  out  in practice,   critical   carry a  com, as R. Paul  .

Summarizing the  of  authors, we  to the  that   is free ,  is the complete  of  thinking.   note the  of  intelligence not  the  of view of  a  amount of , but  the standpoint of the  to  what is  in  knowledge. , the  to solve   an important  in the  of critical ,  this is how an   process   place in the "" of . Also,   and feelings of a   each ,  it is the feelings, in our ,  help to  to the  conclusion. But for its , a  personal   the flow of  is , which he   process and  in  in society.


The  and  section

The  of the  of critical  is the  of such  as the  to develop  own , comprehend ,  to certain ,  build a  of , express   and confidently.

  allows us to  a  of educational,  and  tasks:


- solve   based on  ;

weigh  ;

be able to   relationships;

be  to  conclusions and ;

be  to communicate   people.

  is the ability to   from a  , the ability to   judgments,  and  the results to   and non-standard ,  and problems.

The   idea is   thinking  to the  and formation of new   that  to a  complete  of  material,   to use their  to  situations  a  level of   meaning, and  a  for new types of  .

Critical   not mean  or , it means the   of a variety of  in  to make   and decisions.  to  thinking   nothing is  for  and each ,  of authority,  his own  in the context of the .  is an open   does not  , developing by  new  on life .  is where it   traditional .  thinking is the   for the development of  , they  in , interdependently.

The  of  thinking  the :

· Ability to   with 

·  to take  for  own education

 the  of information 

 interest,  in the  being  and in the  process 

·  and ability to  a  who learns  .

Critical   gives the  the  to:

Create an  of  and responsible  in the 

Use a system of   that  to the  of independence

· To   become  and  at the same , who at the  time are  to  analyze  

· Become a  of ble information for .

How to  the development of   in foreign  ? On the one hand,  is , because due to its ,  this   a large  of “ created”  . However, the  of a  language, due to its  , has always   in nature,   on creating its own  . All this, of ,  creativity,  and  thinking.  on  position, I  the use of  thinking   in English  as  as necessary.

The  of  plays a   in the development of   in adolescents,  by the  of it as an academic  and the  of the teaching  . In this , I.A.  emphasizes  it was in our  in the practice of  a  language  the  of teaching  in a  language was  set. The  goal of the  of  thinking in  is to  the mental  for the  solution of ,  and practical .

 language   to the development of   through a  of  and interactive . The  for the development of   in foreign  , as a rule,   stages.   a closer  at  of them.


At  stage, the “ ” what he   the issue   (makes ),  information   new material,   that he  to get  to.

The role of the  is  coordinating.

A   of demonstrating the  of  is the graphic  of . Models, , , etc. reflect the   ideas,   the train of . The  of thinking,   the eyes,  , takes on a  .

A coherent  of  includes   of organizing   and its combination   and group .

 received at the   is listened to, , . Work is  out , in pairs or .

In the  of implementing the  , it is important to:

1)   the opportunity to   point of  on the  being  , without  of  mistakes and   by the teacher.

2)  all : any of them  be  for further . At the  time, at   there are no “” and “” statements.

3)   and group :  work   each  to  their  and ; group - to   opinions,   point of   the risk of  a . Sharing  can  ideas  are  unexpected and ; the  of interesting , the  for answers   stimulate the  of new . In addition,   students are  to  their  to the  or immediately to a  , so classes in   make   more .

The  of the teacher at   of work is to   to remember   already   the topic  , to promote a   of opinions in , to fix and  information   students. At the  , it is important not to  the , since any  of the  is valuable. We  the  of this : all  of the lesson are not  , but also , and, as you , a good  is  the battle.

2)  of 

The second  is  the comprehension of the (  of meaning). It is  at:

-  new information;

-  the  learning .  stage is  at  interest in the   working   new information,   from  of the “” to the “new” The   (listens) the   the active   proposed by the ,  notes in the  or  notes as he  new  using   methods:




In the  , students:

1)   with new ;

2)  this   existing  and ;

3) focus   on finding  to  and difficulties   arisen;

4) pay  to , trying to  new ;

5) seek to  the  process of  to  new information, pay  to  attracts ,  aspects are   and why;

6) prepare for  and  of what   or read.

The  at  stage:

1) Can be a   of new information, in   its task is to  it in a  and attractive way.

2)  the  of activity of ,  when , if  work  .

3) Offers for the  of  with the   techniques for   and reflection on  has  read.

It is  to  sufficient  for the  of the semantic , it is  to allocate  for the  reading. It is   to return to the  on a new "" of its perception in  to  some 

, those  who use the  technology in   reduce the  of  participation in the  of  students to new . , they   (especially in  ) alternative  of . In any case,   note   time,   to read,   more , ask  questions and  not to be  only by the  , the text of a  or a  of art.

3) Stage of 

As  happens,  is not  time in the  to  what the   able to  and  about the  of the . Teachers  on  able to do  on  own at home. In the  , there is a  of  and skills on the  . At the same , the  stage of  on the  of developing   through  and  - the stage of ( ) is necessary not  for the  to check the  of his , but also for  to be  to analyze   managed to  the set . goals and  the  and contradictions   arisen in the  of  to know the new .

At the  of replication,   new information in  to  existing , as  as in accordance  the  of knowledge ( of  ranks,  and , significant ). At the  time, the  of  and group  at  stage is the  . In the process of   (various  of : essays, ,  organization of the , .), students, on the one ,  information  is  significant for  the  of the topic  , as well as the   for the implementation of  set  goals. On the  , they  new  and information in  own , independently   relationships. The  of  actively  to the  of critical  .

The teacher :  students to   assumption ;  changes;  , exploratory or   based on the  . Students “ ” information to “”  using the   at the content  . The typical  of  for this  are:

 in clusters, .

 causal   blocks of .

 to keywords,  and  statements.

 to the  posed.

 of  and written  .

Organization of   of discussions.


 on  issues of the , etc.

At the  of reflection, ,  processing, and  of the  information are  out.

 of presentation of 

 form: a   one student and a , a  between two ,  remarks   students, a  to key , true and  , a collogue in the  of a  or discussion,  , a round .

 form:  and  using  : answers to ,  proposals,   the proposed ,  in order of ,  / disagreement  the . Graphical,   of presenting  in the  of tables, , , clusters.  : chinquapin, , , composition.

  for the development of   in my work, I   a certain “” of  techniques. Of , not all  can be used in  , but, armed   a few of them,   into the “” of the , the teacher can  the  of the educational , its  and motivational .

I  to consider   of the use of critical   in the classroom.

1. "  to the lesson"

  the topic “ is  all” in  7,  are invited to  the  of the topic of the .

 one letter and the end L- is the 4th  E- is  H A- is between E and I T- is  h () sentences   words. For : •  I have flu, I …. •  I  a toothache, I.. •  I  a headache, I…. •  I  a sore , I…. •  I have a , I … • Go to the  • Don`t  •  hot tea • Go to bed • Take 2 

2. "" - a learning   encourages , the  of views on a  . You can also use   to develop  , reading and  . To develop   in the 5th grade, you can use  . Progress: 1.  the  or phrase in the  of a  of paper or as a  on the . 2. Then,  are  to write  or  that  to  on the chosen   5-7 minutes (  time). 3.   down as   as they  up  until the   is up. 4. The number of   depends on the   of the students.   can be performed , in  or groups.  the  have   associations, the   a few students to   associations  the  or exchange  in . I would  to  an example of  on the  “ Talking  " to the word "",  by two groups of : 1st  Summer - the sun, , , butterflies, , a , a river, a , a  , a camp, a  day, a  night,  sky, hot , wind. 2nd   - ice-cream, , , a forest, , , bicycle, , a , birds, , , mushrooms, , , free . , through ,  student  his  vocabulary,   skills, ,  skills, etc.

3. " on the "

The concept,   study can  the  word for  . It is written in a  and  (adjectives, , .) are selected for   on the topic  . For example, (  8) E-earth -  

N - nature - 

V -  - various

I - – 

R - rubbish - 

O -  - oppressive

N -  - 


E -  - 


T -  - 

The key word for   can be the concept or   study. It is  in a  and nouns (, , etc.) are  for  letter on the   studied.

For ,  (Grade 7)

E -  -  good

N -  - 

V - vegetation - 

I -  –ideal

R -  - 


N -  - 


E -  - 

4. "Scattered 

 compose a  of the  on the topic in ,  sentences as a .  are scattered.  the  are discussed and the   to a single  for the . For example, " we  Christmas" ( 3): At 12 we  gifts. We  a  Christmas  and buy  gifts. I  the  very ! We  many   to our friends. We  , dance to  and  games. I  . My mother  a  cake. We  our  and have a  . I also use  , thin and  , topic ,  warm-ups,  , prepared , and a few . I can conclude   really  you to  learning , the  of the educational ,  the skills of   information of any  and  social .

5. The 

Strategy   to systematize and   by making  in the  using  : It's  (V),  new and interesting (+), I   it (-), I need   (?). Traditional  is  efficient as it  not  evaluation .  systematizing the   in the form of a , a  of each  is  in pairs or .

 like “ , false or  ”, well-known to , not  solve the   of checking  of the , but also  to the  of critical  if the  itself   information   to be identified. So, for ,  on the topic “ : Good or ?” in 8th  I use this   reading a   the history of .  in a foreign age  tasks of  .

6. The strategy " of is used   with  . On the barrel is  a  facing the :  will  at the ? The text is   3-4 parts.   each , the  write   predictions on the  of the  on the leaves of the ,  them on the .  version  be  orally.  the  is read to the end,   whether   came .

An  means of  and  critical  are  games, a , a , a talk  on the  under , as  as disputes and .  contribute to the  of  important  of  thinking as the  to  and compare  , events,  of ; the ability to  the  of opponents; the  to  defend  , while at the   cultivating a   towards   of view.   a decision on the   discussion, the  in the  game   into  all its . It becomes  to  that not  in the , but also in  , there are  no  satisfying  to the . It is necessary to be  to the  of others and be able to   opinion.

  thinking  to an  reflective  of  activities. At the end of a   of work on a ,  learn to ask  the  “What of the   do I know , and  else is not ?  should I do to  in the ? Can I manage on my own, or do I  ? and plan   steps.

7. "" - , bunch,; as  as , concentration.

 is  technique  I use in my . A cluster is a way of   of material   you to visualize   processes   when  in a  topic. The  is a  of a non-linear  of . The sequence of  is  and logical:

1. In the  of a  sheet ()  a key word or   is the "heart" of the , .

2. Around ""  or sentences  , facts,   for this .

3. As you , the words   are connected by   with the key .  of the “branches”, in ,  has “branches”, new   are established. The  is a  that   our thoughts,  the  field of  . 



So, the use of  thinking  in  a foreign   significantly  the  of speech  in the  for each , to  the assimilation of the  by all  members, to  a  of educational and  . The teacher, in ,  the organizer of  , cognitive, ,  activities of , he has  to improve the  , develop the   of students, and   of their . I am for a , creative,  . This is   a modern   be like,  the  around us is  and . And in this ,  has to solve  , make the  , being  to  their own .

In our , we talk in   the effectiveness and  of  thinking in   and share  . Having  the  works of all the  sts, educators and , we  to the conclusion   type of  is one of the most  around the . we  that the use of   technology in   increases the  of  and helps   a foreign  .






































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Rauana Aidarbekova, Almash Seydikenova 1 Department of Diplomatic Translation of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2 Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 002136
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