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ID: ESI1549

Distance learning and its role in the modern world

Abstract. In the age of information technology it is impossible to ignore the problem of introducing technology into the learning process. All over the world trying to use the Internet in education, which led to the creation of a new way of learning, which is called distance learning. This method consists in the use of the Internet and in online communication with the teacher or the presence of those who can not come to the educational institution to attend classes on their own. Due to the current epidemiological situation in the world, the issue of distance learning is very relevant.

Key words: distance learning, digital technologies, Internet, teaching methods.


The current situation in society has given impetus to the development of new methods of learning. Distance learning has emerged as one of the relevant methods in the mode of self-isolation. Distance learning is a new form of interaction between teachers and students, students with each other at a distance through telecommunications, involving the use of distinctive means, methods, ways of learning. It consists of the same components as any educational system: goals determined by social order, content, curriculum, methods, forms, principles, means of education.

The means of telecommunication, which are central to distance learning, are used to achieve the following objectives:

-Teaching educational processes with the necessary teaching and learning materials;

-performing feedback between the teacher and the learner;

-Exchange of management information within the distance learning system;

-Access to international information networks [1].

Self-education, as an independent learning activity of the learner, is at the centre of the learning process. The learner learns to acquire knowledge independently, using a variety of information sources. The learner learns how to acquire knowledge independently, using a variety of information sources, and works with the information at his or her own convenience. From the outset, independent learning involves the learner in active cognitive activity that is not limited to the acquisition of knowledge, but includes the application of knowledge to a variety of real-world problems. The organisation of students' independent (individual and group) work implies the use of the latest pedagogical technologies. Adapted to this form of learning, stimulating the disclosure of internal reserves of each student and at the same time contributing to the formation of socially significant qualities of personality.

Distance learning is not an alternative to traditional education, but a specific form of its continuation and improvement.

The content of pedagogical activities in a distance learning system differs significantly from the traditional one. In the distance learning environment, the main tasks of the online teacher are the following:

constructing an individual educational route for each student, which implies: formulating goals and objectives for each individual student in the student's language, defining invariant and variant content for each student - theoretical practical tasks, developing an optimal control system for each student;

management of students' independent work in mastering the learning content;

organisation of real-time lessons, which implies: choosing the best form of a lesson, designing the lesson plan, drawing up instructions for students;

initiating on-line discussions, which involves creating problematic situations and simulating discussions;

assessing and correcting students' performance, which includes: commenting on test results, checking and assessing open-ended assignments, checking, assessing and commenting on homework;

guiding students' project and research activities in a distance learning environment, involving both individual, group and collaborative activities [2].

Distance learning can take place in different ways. These include various internet platforms, messengers, special programmes and applications.  This method consists in the use of the Internet and in the communication of online students with the teacher or the presence of those who cannot come to the educational institution on their own to attend the class. The inclusion of distance education in the educational process at school has different prerequisites than in adult education. As a rule, students in educational institutions are concentrated in a compact area near the educational institution, and geographical isolation and remoteness is no longer a factor affecting the efficiency of the educational process.

This training, like any other phenomenon, has advantages and disadvantages.

 Consider the advantages of this system:

1. Development of skills in using Internet resources for self-development.During distance learning, children use various Internet platforms .  The video-lesson is convenient because a child can watch the explanation of the topic a second time if he or she missed something during the first viewing. ZOOM makes it easy to conduct online conferences explaining new material to the whole class. For students who have questions after the topic has been explained, one-on-one tutorials can be conducted via WhatsApp and Skype.

2. Independence from peer opinion.   As a result of doing the tasks, the child does not perceive his failures as defeats, and is not afraid to look funny or stupid in front of his classmates if he does not do the task well enough or does not understand the topic of the lesson well enough.

3. Autonomy and self-discipline. Here one has to motivate and force oneself to learn, which may be difficult even for an adult.

4. Saving time. In distance learning, the child spends less time getting ready in the morning, does not waste time travelling to and from school, and as a result, more time is freed up.

5. Equal educational opportunities appear for children with health problems. They can study without leaving home and feel like full members of society.   

 In addition to the advantages, distance learning also has disadvantages:

1. Technical difficulties - weak internet, lack of PCs in families with several children or parents need a computer for work.

2. Lack of communication among children. There is no personal interaction of the child with a teacher and peers, which is very important, especially in primary grades.

3. Work with electronic media badly affects physical health of both children and teachers. They have to strain their eyes for a long time in front of the monitor and telephone. Health is also negatively affected by electromagnetic radiation.

4. Difficulties in assessing students' knowledge. Also, with this form of education, it is very difficult for the teacher to monitor the students' independent performance. Most parents have started to learn for their children, and as a result, low achievers have turned into high achievers.

5. Distance learning reduces the level of comprehension of the material. The child has to learn it on his/her own [3].

At present, the demand for distance learning is growing steadily. This is due to the fact that it is flexible, convenient and accessible, involves a wide variety and differentiation in the choice of both content and forms of education.

Distance learning for schoolchildren under certain conditions, such as the availability of quality interactive means of communication (computers, high-speed Internet, etc.), responsibility and self-motivation of students, the implementation of strict control by parents, is a means of providing accessible quality education. 

Thus, we can conclude that the demand for distance learning will increase in the near future. Every year, more and more interactive communication methods appear and, consequently, the progress of this method will be observed, which will make it possible to minimise its disadvantages and develop its positive aspects.




1. Polat E.S. Theory and Practice of Distance Learning. - Moscow: Academy, 2014. - 416 p.

2. Gvildis T.Y. Continuous education as a necessity and lifestyle of modern life. - Minsk: APO, 2019. - P. 170-174 

3. Choshanov M.A. E-didactics: A New Look at Learning Theory in the Age of Digital Technology. - Moscow: Higher School, 2012. - 52 p.

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Жаннат Садвакасова , Директор школы имени Абая со специализированными классами для одарённых детей с обучением на трех языках, г.Кызылорда Ұлы дала ұстазы № 002091
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