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ID: ESI1453

30 years of Kazakhstan’s independence

In 2021 Kazakhstan is celebrating its 30 years of Independency which is the greatest event for people of Kazakhstan. Our ancestors had fought and sacrificed a lot for the past several centuries for the freedom. There are approximately 5000 nations and almost 200 countries in the world today.  It is hard to believe in this fact; however, we, Kazakhs, can imagine and understand what is it like to be dependent on another country. Over the 300 years we had to refuse of our history, culture, and language to adjust and survive in different culture and realities. On the other hand, we have gotten an enormous influence from the Russian culture and Literature which is both advantageous and disadvantageous. Our culture was advantaged because many great Russian writers, musicians, and scientists have studied about our land, culture, and traditions. At the same time, we have lost untimely our public figures such as national heroes, poets and writers, and scientists and intellectuals. We have had too many victims on our way to the independence, but we have finally gotten our sovereignty.  In fact, every citizen of our country has to appreciate the crucial significance of the independence. But we can confidently announce what gains we have achieved already as a young state.

On December 16, 1991, we had become a sovereign country and first two countries that have recognized us as the independent state were Turkey and the USA. Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected as the first president of the state. He is very intelligent and farsighted leader of the nation. Also, he has demonstrated our republic as one of the most peaceful and tolerant states. Kazakhstan is the first country which has banned nuclear bombs; moreover, it calls for the rest of the world to take the same action. Another lucky factor for our civilians is that we have inherited a vast land with abundant natural resources, in other words, we can find all the chemical elements of the Mendeleyev’s periodic table on our land. 

         In 1997 President Nazarbayev had introduced his “Kazakhstan 2030 Strategy” program which aims to make our country economically strong like “Central Asian snow leopard” among Asian “tigers” like China. At the same time, he offered to move the capital city from Almaty to Akmola, a town in the North of Kazakhstan. After a year the capital was renamed Astana. Since that time an incredibly beautiful city with modern architecture has appeared in the heart of Kazakh steppe. 

         One of the big achievements of International and Economic Affairs was joining Shanghai Cooperation Organization which members are Russia, Uzbekistan, China, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Hence, world market of oil trade has opened for Kazakhstan.

          Another significant event in the history of modern Kazakhstan is becoming the chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) which showed how Kazakhstan could be a leader in harmony, peace, and security. In addition, Astana hosted the first OSCE summit in 11 years. 

          Although we have done a lot of works for 30 years of sovereignty, there are a lot of milestones and goals that we have to reach in the future. I firmly believe that our state has a bright future and me as a representative of the young generation have to work hard. Once our great khan Abylai noticed a couple of centuries ago that when it was the time of power we could overcome it by fighting back, but we should also be good enough in the time when nations will compete by the knowledge. In other words, the current time is the time of knowledge and science.  Every country knows that education is a key factor for the development and prosperity. That is why they invest in science and technologies. Our president realized the value of educating our citizens; therefore, he has launched a program “Bolashak” for the young generation who will be able to help our people and to contribute to the development of technology and industry in Kazakhstan.  However, it is all in our hands to make better and thriving our state and for that everyone has to do his job very well. For instance, teachers should teach children, doctors should treat patients, and engineers should work with technologies very well. I also as a student have to do my best in studying in order to get an opportunity to study in the best Universities of Kazakhstan, so that I can contribute to the future development of my country. 




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Гульшат Ишанова, Ақсай қаласының №7 ЖОББМ, ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Батыс Қазақстан облысы Бөрлі ауданы Ұлы дала ұстазы № 002030
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