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Early childhood education: Learning through games

Language learning is hard work… Effort is required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period of time. Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work.

The game is one of the basic types of human’s development, they are both amazing phenomena of our existence as well as education. According to the scientific terminology of the game it is a kind of activity in the situations which are aimed to reproduce and acquire society’s experience. Whereas, foundation and improvement of person’s behavior self-control are the integral components of that activity. We cannot consider the game to be only a part of entertainment and fun; it is, in the same time, the process of studying, creativity, therapy and simulation of people’s relationship, labor and education. From ancient times people practiced the game as a method of transferring experience to younger generation. Nowadays teachers all over the world have elements of game in the methodology of teaching. The efficiency and effect of these types of lessons are easily visible on the progress of students of all ages. We discuss features of the game, its objectives and specificity. Attention is paid to the choice and applying of the games in teaching as well. 

Understanding the Value of games

When children engage in real‐life and imaginary activities, play can challenge children’s thinking.   Children learn best through first-hand experiences—play motivates and supports children in their development of skills, concepts, language acquisition, communication skills, and concentration. During play, children use all of their senses, must convey their thoughts and emotions, explore their environment, and connect what they already know with new knowledge, skills and attitudes.  It is in the context of play that children test out new knowledge and theories. Play is the earliest form of storytelling. And, it is how children learn how to negotiate with problem-solve, and improvise.

Game methods are often very simple in their organization and do not require special equipment. Game methods can be used in each lesson of a foreign language, as long as they correspond to the goals and objectives of the training. This work presents game exercises that actualize knowledge of the vocabulary on the topic and game situations with which the situations of communication were created in the lesson.

The game is a specially organized activity that requires tension of emotional and mental strength. The game always involves making a decision - what to do, what to say, how to win? The desire to solve these issues sharpens the mental activity of the players. Are there rich learning opportunities here? Children, however, do not think about it. For them, the game above all - an exciting experience. 

The game is important for personal development also because during the course of its development a lesson situation is created in which the children involved in the competition really wants to help his team, tries to find the right answer, is active. As experience shows, such situations allow one to express oneself not only to strong but also weak students. Very often, children who are not distinguished by good performance can show themselves here from a completely different perspective and become active participants in the game, contribute to the victory of their team. Using games from this point of view can be an important success factor for weak children, arouse their interest in the subject, and become the basis for their subsequent success in studying it.

But the specifics of the game is that “learning tasks appear before a child not in an explicit form, but disguised. While playing, the child does not set a learning task, but as a result of the game he learns something. ” There is no need or reason to set a goal - to rest, to switch: the nature of the game as such will do its work. As an experience of teachers and theorists shows, one of the effective methods of teaching, the use of which makes a foreign language a favorite subject of schoolchildren.

        I would like to highlight the purpose of using games in foreign language lessons. There are six main goals:

1. the formation of certain skills;

2. the development of certain speech skills;

3. learning to communicate;

4. development of the necessary abilities and mental functions;

5. cognition (in the sphere of the formation of the language itself);

6. memorization of speech material.

Therefore, in our opinion, the goal of the game form of education is not only the formation of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical skills, but also the development of interest in the language being studied.    

Importance of Playing Games

Games play a major role in maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul of the child as it gives a lot of exercises in forming an overall healthy physic.

The improvement of our body and mind acts as a resistant to many diseases. It helps students to possess a cool and pleasant temper irrespective of their fluctuating moods. On the other hand, games play a crucial role in developing a healthy brain of the child.

Following are some of the benefits of playing games to the children:

Games let children use their creativity while nurturing their imagination, physical, cognitive, emotional strength, and proficiency in skills.

It is because of the games that children at a very young age interact and engage in the world around them.

Games offer children to create and explore a world that they can master, fighting with their fears while practicing adult roles, sometimes in conjunction with other children or adult caregivers.

As they master their world, games help them to develop new abilities that lead to increasing the confidence, which is required to face challenges of their time.

Drifting games allow children to know how to work, to negotiate, to share, to learn self-advocacy skills and to resolve disputes.

Preferably, most of the games were supervised by adults, but the downside of this is that children typically acquiesce to adult rules and concerns and lose some of the benefits play offers such as developing creativity, leadership, and group skills.      

Games helps to nurture imagination and give a child a sense of adventure. Through this, they can learn essential skills such as problem solving, working with others, sharing and much more. ... Playing ball games, dancing, running, climbing all help to develop body movement, strength, flexibility and co-ordination skills.

If it is accepted that games can provide intense and meaningful practice of language, then they must be regarded as central to a teacher’s repertoire. They are thus not for use solely on wet days and at the end of term!’

‘Language learning is a hard task which can sometimes be frustrating. Constant effort is required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games are invaluable as they give children a break and at the same time allow them to practice language skills. Games are highly motivating since they are amusing and at the same time challenging. Furthermore, they employ meaningful and useful language in real contexts. They also encourage and increase cooperation. Games are highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting.

 b) The Role of Games in Learning English

The game is important for personal development also because during the course of its development a lesson situation is created in which the learner involved in the competition really wants to help his team, tries to find the right answer, is active. Using games from this point of view can be an important success factor for weak children, arouse their interest in the subject, and become the basis for their subsequent success in studying it.

‘The need for meaningfulness in language learning has been accepted for some years. A useful interpretation of ‘meaningfulness’ is that the learners respond to the content in a definite way. If they are amused, angered, intrigued or surprised the content is clearly meaningful to them. Thus the meaning of the language they listen to, read, speak and write will be more vividly experienced and, therefore, better remembered.’

 ‘Many experienced textbook and methodology manuals writers have argued that games are not just time-filling activities but have a great educational value. 

. When I started exploring the use of games, I came to the decision that the way they require participants to recall information from their knowledge pool would be a useful method in enabling children to assess their vocabulary recall abilities and thus started using them in classes primarily for vocabulary revision. It seems that I’m not alone in this conviction. ‘Games have been shown to have advantages and effectiveness in learning vocabulary in various ways. First, games bring in relaxation and fun for students, thus help them learn new words more easily. Second, games usually involve friendly competition and they keep learners interested. These create the motivation for learners of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning activities. Third, vocabulary games bring real world context into the classroom, and enhance childrens’ use of English in a flexible, communicative way.’

c) Modern methods of using games in teaching English

In the process of teaching learners of different ages, teachers often face the problem of awakening activity in a lesson. Often there are situations when traditional forms of work do not contribute to the inclusion of learners in the activities of the lesson and the emergence of their cognitive interest. Especially this problem in relation to the lessons of a foreign language is manifested when working with adolescents. If in elementary school the very method of conducting lessons involves the use of various funny songs, games, etc., then in adolescence, interest in these forms of work, of course, disappears and the choice of exciting learning techniques becomes more complex.

e)   Benefits of Learning Through Playing Games

Games for children aren’t just about having fun, although they can certainly provide lots of entertainment! It’s important to keep your children playing because there are lots of other benefits to fun preschool games, including the skills they teach young children. Here are just a few:

1. Play Helps Develop Social Skills

When children engage in preschool games, they learn social skills like how to cooperate and communicate with each other, how to be patient and take turns, and how to resolve conflicts. These are great skills to have, especially for building friendships. Many games also help children learn how to express themselves, with and without language, through play, storytelling, and art.

2. Play Develops Cognitive, Critical Thinking & Motor Skills

Almost all preschool classroom games challenge the way children think or move. They help children with critical thinking skills like attention, memory, control, and flexibility. And physical activity helps them work on both fine and gross motor skills like running and coloring, balance, and coordination. Even simple tasks can feel like games to children, like playing with shapes or counting simple objects, but they’re learning and developing cognitive skills as they play.

3. Play Creates Confidence in Children

One of the best ways to build confidence is to take risks, and play gives children exactly that opportunity. As children learn and experiment with new games, they realize that they have the ability to do things they never knew they could. They slowly build independence as they learn they can trust themselves, and not just adults, to make choices.

4. Play Inspires Creativity

Imaginative play helps children develop their creativity. You can see this if they start using regular objects for pretend play or pretend to take on different roles, like a doctor or superhero or astronaut.

In this article we used Game methods as one of the most effective methods of teaching a foreign language, since their psychological and pedagogical basis is play activity, which makes a great contribution to the mental development of an individual. The use of gaming techniques in foreign language lessons in high school meets the cognitive needs of adolescents. The game activates thought processes and increases the motivation to learn a foreign language.

Game forms and techniques are very diverse and can be used at every stage of working with vocabulary. At the first stages, it is appropriate to use typical game exercises that will make the process of memorizing words an interesting exercise. Game methods allow you to create very real situations of communication between participants in the game. Therefore, games are particularly relevant in the final stages of working with new vocabulary, in which words are used in speech in specific game situations.

Game teaching methods are important. Depending on the pedagogical goals, methods of organization, level of language proficiency, several groups of games are distinguished. Plot-role-playing and intellectual, for example, require a high knowledge of vocabulary, as they imply spontaneous utterances of players. Games can be presented in the form of game elements, situations, exercises, and be directed to other goals. Game methods vary depending on the number of participants, time, and so on.

Nevertheless, a game that takes up a considerable chunk of a lesson may be quite stress inducing for some learners. I’ve been making which has, thankfully, been brought to my attention: clearly explain the rationale behind the game. If a teacher plans a game, it is critical to explain the rationale of the game to the students in the class, no matter what. For example, if you were to employ a short, simple hangman or hot seat game, the teacher should swiftly – but very noticeably – inform the learners that this game will help them with spelling, or get their brains focused on recognizing the shape and structure of new words, and will facilitate their learning of new vocabulary. In addition to making sure the learners are aware of the learning benefits of the activity, preparing such an explanation will also help teachers to make sure that they know precisely why they are spending time on the game in the lesson in the first place. Such explanations are absolutely vital, as I’ve learned through experience, because they satisfy the more serious learner who can feel pressured by game time, they make sure the weaker learner understand that this isn’t a waste of time and also enable all of the learners to comprehend that the teacher is playing for an explicit reason, has planned the game to enhance their learning, and is not just wasting time by adding a fun element to the lesson. Failure to take this fundamental step, or even merely to make the point clearly enough for all to understand, can lead to all kinds of repercussions.  

Games helps to nurture imagination and give a child a sense of adventure. Through this, they can learn essential skills such as problem solving, working with others, sharing and much more. ... Playing ball games, dancing, running, climbing all help to develop body movement, strength, flexibility and co-ordination skills.            



1. Konysheva A.V. Igra v obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku: teorya y praktyka. Minsk, 2008.

2. Sherba L.V. Prepodavanie yazikov v shkole.-  M.:Akademia, 2003.

3. Kolker Ya.M. Prakticheskaia metodika obuchenia inostannym yiazikam. –M.:Akademia,2004.



Жоба баланың ағылшын  тілін үйренудегі   қызығушылығын ояту, белсенділігін арттыру, ойын арқылы оқу мен тәрбиені ұштастыра отырып, білім деңгейімен дағдыларын жетілдірудің маңызды аспектісіне арналған. Ойын көптеген білім беру мақсаттарына жетудің белсенді тәсілі және маңызды педагогикалық мәнге ие. Ойынның құндылығы - материалды игеру процесі оңай және тез жүреді, сондықтан ақпарат әдетте ұзақ уақыт есте қалады. Алайда, ойын арқылы үйрету маңызды екенін есте ұстаған жөн. Жоба ойынның ерекшеліктерін, оның мақсаты мен ерекшелігін талқылайды. Балаларға ағылшын тілін оқытудағы ойындардың рөліне баса назар аударылады.


Исследование посвящено такому важному аспекту изучения иностранного языка, как игра. Игра является активным способом достижения многих образовательных целей и имеет важное педагогическое значение. Ценность игры в том, что процесс усвоения материала проходит проще и быстрее, потому что делать это таким образом приятно и поэтому информация обычно запоминается надолго. Однако следует помнить, что игра - это серьезная вещь. В исследовании рассмотривается особенности игры, ее цель и специфика. Также уделяется внимание организации игр. Приведены примеры игр в соответствии с целями, которых вы хотите достичь в обучении иностранным языкам. Основное внимание уделяется роли игр в обучении детей иностранному языку.

The summary

The research   deals with such an important aspect of learning a foreign language as a game. The game is an active way to reach many educational purposes, and  important pedagogical value. The value of the game is that the process of mastering of the material is easier and faster because it is pleasant to do it in such a way and therefore the information is usually remembered for a long time. However, it should be remembered that the game is a serious thing.  The research discusses features of the game, its purpose and specificity. Attention is also paid to the organization of the games. Examples of games in accordance with the goals you want to achieve in learning foreign languages are given. The examples are based on the English language. The focus is on the role of games in teaching a foreign language of children .






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Aigul Akhmetova, Secondary school №58, English language teacher Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 001580
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