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ID: ESI1040

Unit revision



My family and friends

Teacher name:

Baykadamova Dinara Batyrkhairovna 



Grade: 2

Number present:  

Number absent:    

Theme of the lesson: 

Unit revision

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions  

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.S5 begin to articulate clearly the difference between various sounds

2.W1 write with support short responses at phrase level to questions and other prompts

2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and respond to requests for information

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Read the descriptions and match the pictures 

Describe a person orally


                Lesson plan

Planned timings

Teacher's actions

Pupils` actions






Teacher greets students


Students respond to greeting and take their places






Well students, now please look at the new words on the slide.-Listen to me first and then repeat after me. Ok, now let’s read one by one! 

We will not write the new vocabulary right now but you will write the new words at home. This will be your home work for the next lesson.

New adjectives 

tall           высокий

short        низкийкороткий

old           старый      

young      молодой             

weak        слабый  

strong       сильный

beautiful   красивый 

ugly          страшный   

happy       счастливый 

sad            грустный 

-Now students, let’s read the descriptions and guessthe person on the picture! I will read you three descriptions and you will guess the person. Match the pictures with the letters.

-What letter refers to the first description? Yes, it is letter M

-What letter suits the second description? Of course, it is letter L

-What matches with the third picture? No it is not right, it is letter K

Let’s see how many pupils were right and gave correct answers. Well done, excellent job, thank you pupils.


Pupils study the new adjectives to describe a person.

Listen to teacher first and then repeat after me. Ok, now let’s read one by one! 














Pupils guess the person. Match the pictures with the letters.

The pupils read the descriptions and guess the pictures. They match the letters with pictures. This activity can be done with the whole group or in pairs.




Formative assessment
























-Now students, look at the picture of six beautiful girls from the cartoon “Winks”. Do you know their names?

The first sentence can be done as an example together with the teacher.

Number 1. She has pink hair and blue eyes. Is it right or wrong? Is it true or false? 

 This activity is aimed to check understanding and see if the students have memorised new words or not, also “colour” revision is included there. It will be better if the worksheets are printed ahead, because the teachers will need a colour printer for it.

Pupils stand up, listen to the song and sing it.(45 track)


That’s all for today!

- Did you like the lesson?

-What did you like most of all?

-What would you like to repeat again?

-What was the most difficult for you today?

Home work- worksheet


There are 6 images of the girls and there are six descriptions. The first description refers to the first girl, the second to the next girl and so on. 

-Read the first sentence, look at the picture and put a tick if the description is right. If it’s incorrect you may write no in the second box.

The pupils share their ideas about the most difficult and the most     interesting  moments in the lesson. They repeat the adjectives they have learnt. They may  put colourful stickers on the board as their reflection after the lesson. 




Worksheet 1










Track 45










Worksheet 2



259 0
Динара Байкадамова «Пугачев мектеп – бөбекжай-балабақша кешені» КММ -нің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі БҚО, Бөрлі ауданы, Пугачев ауылы Ұлы дала ұстазы № 001532
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