Поиск статей:

Experiences of a Lifetime


Lesson Plan 



School –lyceum №10 after I.Altynsarin


Our Countryside 

Teacher’s name:

Zhiyenaliyeva Shapagat


Number present:                                 absent: 

Theme of the lesson:

Experiences of a Lifetime

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics - organise and present information clearly to others; independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use independently familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to:  understand     the  main idea  of     the  text  on     a  limited  range     of   general  and     curricular  topics.

Most learners will be able to: express minds with their own words

Some learners will be able to:     match the words and use the phrases to complete the sentences


Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


7 min.


Organization moment:


Ask about the weather. 












2. Checking up the homework with the method “Random sort”

T asks to read an essay from previous lesson

 After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. 






Divide the class into 3 groups by the method “Flash”

I wish….” method helps to start the lesson with telling supporting words to each other.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere  

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations 



Aim: Revise the previous lessons material.

Efficiency: Reading their homework they achieve their speaking skills 








Ss are divided into 3 groups with the programme “The Hat”

















- can make sentence 

- know vocabulary of previous lesson.

T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

“Good job!

Well done!”
































«Brainstorming» method

Team work

2 min.


T asks to revise vocabulary of previous lesson «Catch the Ball» method used by T to make Ss speak according to the theme.


 After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson. 


Ss catch the ball and speak about their places that they know.

Aim: Revise the vocabulary.


Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme. 


-remember simple words 

- know vocabulary of previous lesson.


Praise Ss who have more cards and could name the cards. 



Student’s book 


Middle of the lesson

Presentation part.


Team work.

5 min.



«Describing» method is used to open up the theme of the lesson. T asks to Ss to look at exercise1 a) on page 30.


Ss have to find locations belonging to the continent. When they find the right answers, they are able to see pictures.


T asks to describe the pictures. What can they see, hear and smell?

Ss open their books on page 30 and describe the picture according to the things that they can see on it


Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Find out how much do they remember.


Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme.


-can describe the picture

-can answer the general questions


T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

“Good job!

Well done!”




Team work

12 min.




T gives exercise 1. p 30. Watch the video and read the Experience of a lifetime text.     

T asks questions connected with the text.

T gives exercise 1 on page 30 Read the text. Each group read different part.

1-group- The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

2- group-Machu Picchu, Peru

3- group- Altyn Emel, Kazakhstan.


After reading T asks to present information related theit team.


Aimwork with text


To develop Ss critical thinking skills and reading skills

Differentiation: «DEAL» method is used to help Ss 

D – describe

E – explain

A – analyse

L – links     

Ss watch the video and read the text several times.

Do exercise 1 on page 30 

Each team read the information which is given them.


Discuss as a team and divide information to presentation part.



Other teams check and evaluate them.


-cooperate as a team

-work with new words

-can complete the sentences



“Two stars, a wish”



-categories the professions

-share ideas in a class



CD player

Student’s book 



Individual work

5 min.

T asks students to look at exercise 2 “Read and mark”

Aim: improve reading 


To develop Ss writing skills and working with a new words

Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Ss use new words in the sentences.

Answer key: 1-F  2-T  3-T      4-T   5-T  

Ss read the sentences and choose T or F according to the class.


Write in a copy book




Task is checked by CD player


-can use active vocabulary

-understand general idea.

- can answer T or F






Student’s book

CD player


Work in pairs.

4 min


Speaking     task

Match the words. Exercise 3.

T gives task to work in pairs.

T asks Ss to discuss things that impressed them most.

“Think, pair and share” method is used in this task

Aim: enlarge vocabulary knowledge


Ss use new vocabulary and practice it with groupmates.

Differentiation: «Change the pair» game is used to develop their speaking and listening skills.

Answer key:

1. e) colourful fish

2. f) rare wildlife

3. g) ancient city

4. a) challenging journey

5. c) brilliant time

6. b) mysterious place

7. d) coral reef

Ss discuss the statement: the things impressed them most after reading the text.


Share their point of view with others.


Write in a copy book


Task is checked by CD player




-know new words

-can match the words







Pair assessment



Student’s book

CD player




Individual work


5 min



Complete the sentence.

Exercise 3. Teacher explains the words that they will use.

Ss have to complete the sentences.

Aim: learn and define the meaning of the actions 


Helps them to choose the suitable actions according to the meaning of the sentence, learn them to be accuracy.

Differentiation: understand the sentence and put appropriate actions.

Answer key:

1.coral reef

2.brilliant time

3.mysterious place

4.ancient city

5.rare wildlife

6.challenging journey

7.colourful fish

Ss complete the sentences with the phrases exercise 3.



Write in a copy book


Task is checked by CD player


-understand the instruction

-complete the sentence








Students Book

CD player

End of the lesson.







5 min.

Giving the homework:

Retelling one of the text you liked


The Mentimeter programme is used as a reflection. 


Have you liked today's lesson? Write your opinion.





Ss write their opinions in a mobile phone. 






















497 0
Шапагат Жиеналиева, Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы №10 мектеп-лицейінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қызылорда облысы, Қызылорда қаласы Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 01446
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