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ID: ESI858

Development of activity using interactive Phet simulation for teaching physics

Abstract: The PhET Interactive Modeling Project at the University of Colorado at Boulder began a new effort to develop and study simulations for high school physics. PhET simulations usually have a college level, but many simulations are use in high school. Thus, we strive to more systematically study the use of PhET simulators to this level, especially by studying the elements of effective simulator design and implementation in the classroom. I made observations with high school students using PhET simulations. These observations include over 42 student tests, as well as 9 grade, one physics teacher. In this article, I present the initial ideas that arise from these observations and propose several strategies for developing and implementing modeling actions. Including case studies in which these strategies have been use effectively.

Keywords: simulation model, PhET program, PhET, high school, science, physics.



This time, when we look at how simulation can help students deepen their understanding of scientific concepts. The PhET team at the University of Colorado at Boulder (https://phet.colorado.edu/) has developed one of the largest collections of science and education simulations on the Internet, covering a stunning array of scientific concepts, from plate tectonics to balancing chemical equations. 

PhET to utilize it in numerous ways for multiple learning goals focusing on understanding, science prepare, and inspiration. The National Investigate Board report on recreations and recreations (National Research Council, 2011), as well as other reports such as Osborne and Hennessey (2003) portray how reenactments and education innovation more broadly have the potential to transform and move forward science education. Teachers who use PhET and chosen to reply to this study show how, in practice, they are capitalizing on the potential  provided by educational technologies such as PhET (see Example in Figure 1).


Fig. 1. PhET interactive simulations

The study was guided by the following questions:

What misconceptions were observed regarding the concepts of computer systems using PhET simulation among high school students in grade 9?

Using the PhET simulation during class in the classroom helped eliminate misconceptions about the concepts of animations?

Data collection and methods

School interviews, during which some students were asked to think out loud while studying simulation, are used to study the effectiveness of simulation modeling and to understand how students in this age group learn to use simulations

To date, I have conducted more than 42 individual tests, covering one simulation, in the city of Almaty, Bostandyk district, a public public institution, general education school №37 among students in grade 9, this includes the ratio of men and women to a small number of minorities (mainly Russians and Kazakhs). Studies on implementation in the classroom were conducted in collaboration with the school principal. The population of students is more than 70% Russian, Kazakhs 20%, different nationalities 10% of students.

The questionnaire was developed by the authors using guidelines established by Francis, Ackles, Johnston, Walker, Grimshaw, Foy, Caner, Smith, and Bonetti (2004). The first step in developing the tool was to conduct a study to identify generally accepted opinions about the use of interactive simulations for learning. 

In February, I ran tests on using school simulation software to engage students in the science and technology practice of using animated models in physics classes. The questionnaire consisted of 6 questions. The first part of the questionnaire, which consisted of two parts, consisted of 6 questions aimed at determining demographic information, and the second part consisted of 4 questions in total, 2 of which were ranked according to estimates associated with the use of animation and 2 classifying scaled questions. Below is a sample of questions designed to determine the perceived usefulness of behavior: "Using PhET facilitate students to visualize electrical circuits." For all questions, Animation View Scale (AVS) was used - this is a scale of 5 types of Likert, prepared in order to learn the students' opinion about animation after the subject was taught. The expressions “I completely agree” (5), “I agree” (4), “Neither agree nor disagree” (3), “I disagree” (2) and “I completely disagree” (1). 

The teacher must know and understand the benefits, limitations, and functions of the simulations in order to know what they think about them. Therefore, I gave two lessons of 40 minutes a week for three consecutive weeks, using PhET in a physics lesson before students completed the questionnaire.

The activity was developed in collaboration with PhET Colorado. Activities include 12 different simulations (one event used Sim 2) and typically includes laboratory work before and after training and learning measurement. Design workshop PhET Circuit Construction Kit. This simulation kit allows the user to build electrical circuits with any number of batteries, bulbs, resistors and wires in any combination. Potential differences and electric currents can be measured using simulated voltmeters and ammeters (see Example in Figure 2). 

Fig. 2. Circuit construction kit in lifelike visual mode

Data analysis

When analyzing the data, the SPSS 17 software package was used. Arithmetic mean, standard deviations and numbers (N) depending on the personal characteristics of students answering the questionnaire for both measurements were identified during the analysis. Whether there was a statistically significant difference between the answers of students who passed the questionnaire was determined using the t-test, F-test and chi-square test. Data regarding numerical events were tabulated and evaluated, and is there a difference between the independent variables that were tested at a significance level of α = 0.05.


As shown in Table 1, the arithmetic mean scores on the computer scale for the ratio of students participating in research and supporting the use of the Phet simulator in physics classes were found as (n) 18, and students who did not support it were (n) 11, and the number of students who have concepts did not have, it was (n) 13

Table 1: The main trend and measurement of attitude in use in the lessons of PhET simulations in physics lessons


Supportive animation status (X)




The mean of data set is significantly different H0: µ = 0

“I completely agree” (5)



M = 8,4 

SS = 3.9

S= 1.9778

t = 4.802

Determine critical value for t with 

df = n−1= 4 and α=0.05 (two tailed)

 the critical value is 2.776 

The calculated t exceeds the critical value (4.802>2.776), so the mean of data set is significantly different from μ0=0.


“I agree” (4)


“ Neither agree nor disagree ” (3)


“I disagree” (2) 


“I completely disagree” (1)





Table 2: The results of ANOVA One Way


“I completely agree” (5)

“I agree” (4)

“ Neither agree nor disagree ” (3)

“I disagree” (2)

“I completely disagree” (1)

Significantly different


f           %

f        %

f           %

f          %

f             %


4           80

     7      14

9         18 

0          0

2            40

M = 4.4

S = 13.3

S= 3.65

t= 0.2325

 Determine critical value for t with df = 8 and α=0.05 (two tailed).

the critical value is 2.306.

The calculated t value is smaller than critical value 

(0.2325<2.306), so the means are not significantly different.


2           40

 5        100

4           80

4        80

5         100

M = 4

S = 1.5

S= 1.22



As shown in Table 2, no differences were found between the overall response scores for girls and boys. Physics teacher feels the need for a training course without a break in the work with animation physics. Of course, in the estimates of those who do not feel the need for training at the workplace, the calculated value of t is less than the critical value (0.2325 <2.306), therefore, the means do not differ significantly.

Table 3: The main tendency and attitude measurement in use in the lessons of Phet modeling in the lessons of physics results in a month


Supportive animation status (X)




The mean of data set is significantly different H0: µ = 0

“I completely agree” (5)



M = 8,6

SS = 6,7

S= 2,58

t = 2,87

Determine critical value for t with df = 4 and α=0.05 (two tailed).

the critical value is 2.776. The calculated t exceeds the critical value (2.873>2.776), so the mean of data set is significantly different from μ0=0.


“I agree” (4)


“ Neither agree nor disagree ” (3)


“I disagree” (2) 


“I completely disagree” (1)





As shown in Table 3, the status of students who feel the need to use Phet animation in physics classes did not differ after a month, the status of having a computer, period of computer use, frequency of computer use and purpose of computer use. However, student opinions were found to be significantly different compared to last month t exceeds the critical value (2.873>2.776), so the mean of data set is significantly different from μ0=0.


Thus, we found that PhET simulations in general are useful, attractive, and effective learning tools for high school students. I have identified several strategies for creating and promoting events that recognize and use the key characteristics of this age group - their tendency to research and play games - to attract and empower students in science.

One of the challenges that the PhET project is currently facing is how to best convey the ideas gathered here to teachers who use or want to use PhET. Many thousands of teachers find PhET simulations online, so any teacher development strategy must have a strong online component. Regardless of the approaches we use to provide these resources on the Internet, the use of these resources by teachers and their impact on using PhET in a class should be an active area research is moving forward.




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Айбану Кожахметова, «№37 жалпы білім беретін мектеп» коммуналды мемлекеттік мекемесінің физика пәні мұғалімі Алматы қаласы, Бостандық ауданы Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000513
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