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ID: ESI855

Modern pedagogical technologies as a means of training competent specialists


     The article describes modern pedagogical technologies - informational, educational, problem-oriented learning, personality-oriented technologies. Their influence on the training of specialists in higher educational institutions is emphasized.


      Problem statement. Modern pedagogical technology is a synthesis of pedagogical achievements, a combination of traditional, perfect forms and methods with modern effective educational innovations. Pedagogical technology is based on the achievements of psychological, pedagogical and social sciences, advanced pedagogical experience, etc. The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into the professional training of specialists in higher educational institutions requires further theoretical and experimental pedagogical research.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. The problems of pedagogical technologies concern the research of Y. Babansky, V. Bespalko, V. Bogolyubov, M. Clarin, I. Lerner, I. Prokopenko, K. Selevka, N. Talyzina, I. Kharlamov, N. Shestak, F. Yanushkevich, etc.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the theoretical and methodological aspects of the introduction of pedagogical technologies in the training of competent specialists in higher educational institutions.

Presentation of the main content. Pedagogical technologies as a basis for training specialists in order to form competencies and qualities provide for the development and implementation of modern methods of scientific organization of the pedagogical process, its quality control and diagnostics of the level of educational and professional training. The training of specialists is of a proactive nature, namely: the knowledge, skills and abilities of students are formed based not on the requirements of the present, but with a perspective for the future, since even perfect recommendations and suggestions for practical activities significantly lose their significance not only for the time of adaptation of a young specialist to the conditions of practical activity, but also by the time of his graduation from an educational institution.

Pedagogical technology is aimed at the formation of a competent specialist based on a successful combination of forms, methods and means of teaching with professional competence and pedagogical skills of teachers.

When choosing a pedagogical technology, it is important to take into account the abilities of students, the specifics of specific types of professional activities of future specialists. Pedagogical technologies as the basis of professional training of specialists in order to form professional competencies and qualities provide for the development and implementation of modern methods of scientific organization of the pedagogical process, its quality control and diagnostics of the level of educational and professional training.

The introduction of modern educational technologies causes significant dynamic changes in teaching activities, the role of the teacher's pedagogical culture as a subject of management in the educational process increases. These changes are discrete, cyclical in nature, closely related to the life cycle of innovation and depend on the action of psychological factors.

The main factors for the effective implementation of modern educational technologies are:


- students' readiness to accept modern educational technologies;

- positive motivation of educational activity;

- readiness of teachers and students for creative, innovative activities;

- optimal psychological microclimate of the educational process;

- pedagogical skills of teachers;

- taking into account the peculiarities of the management of a higher educational institution.

Practical classes are aimed at the formation of competencies and qualities, the consolidation of theoretical knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities through the individual performance of tasks in accordance with the goals.

In practical classes, students master the methodology of scientific research, self-fulfillment of tasks, solving specific production situations, etc.

The most important task of practical training is the formation of practical preparedness of future specialists, which contains the following components: cognitive skills; professional skills; group work skills, communication skills, etc.

Among modern pedagogical technologies, a special place is occupied by training. The training allows you to form competencies, skills, skills and personal qualities of a future specialist in a short time, which cannot be formed using traditional forms of training. The game moment of the classes, the emphasis on the implementation of practical tasks contribute to the mobilization of the capabilities and abilities of all participants of the training.

The introduction of professional trainings as a form of active learning, which is designed to form complex skills and abilities of a specific type of behavior, is effective for professional activity and professional communication of future specialists. This is achieved in the course of simulation modeling and solving continuously complicated professionally oriented situations with pedagogical expediency of individual and group activities of students.


During the training, communicative competencies, skills and abilities are effectively formed; various forms of behavior are practiced; an active life position is formed; barriers that hinder communication are removed.

Trainings in the professional training of future specialists provide opportunities for: mastering new skills, skills and working off previously acquired ones; discovering qualities in oneself and in other people to work in a team, make decisions and be responsible for them; activating mental and cognitive activity; forming interpersonal communication skills.

The use of information technologies in the educational process significantly changes the role and place of the teacher and the student in the system "teacher - information technology of education - student". Information technology of education is not only an intermediate link in the transmission of information. Changing the means and methods of teaching contributes to changing the content of educational activities, which are becoming more independent and creative, contributes to the implementation of an individual approach to learning.

The peculiarity of information technologies is that multimedia and Internet technologies allow them to be used as a means of education, upbringing, integration into the world community, influencing the personality, its professional self-determination and formation. Information technologies increase the motivation of learning and stimulate cognitive interest, the effectiveness of independent work increases.

Problem-based learning technologies occupy an important place in the training of future specialists. Problem-based learning technologies provide for such a nature of interaction between the teacher and students, in which contradictions are revealed during the transmission and assimilation of educational information, problematic situations are created, the result of which will be the solution of a cognitive task.

It should be noted that the purpose of the technology of personality-oriented learning is the harmonious formation and comprehensive development of the student's personality, the full disclosure of his creative powers, the acquisition of his own "I", unique individuality. He should become a subject of vital activity, professional activity, and not master only a certain set of general scientific and professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

The introduction of the technology of personality-oriented learning involves changing the forms of communication in the educational process, techniques and means of communicative activity aimed at the formation of professional and communicative competencies in future specialists.

Distance learning technologies can be considered as a natural stage in the evolution of the traditional education system from a chalkboard to an electronic blackboard and computer learning systems, from a book library to an electronic, ordinary audience to a virtual one.

The effectiveness of distance learning is based on the fact that students themselves feel the need for further education, and are not exposed to external pressure. They have the opportunity to work with educational materials in a mode and volume that suits them directly. The effect largely depends on how regularly the student studies. Consistent implementation of control and diagnostic tasks, as well as support in all matters of the teacher-coordinator ensures the systematic assimilation of knowledge.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The introduction of pedagogical technologies, the implementation of a competence-based approach in vocational education will contribute to the achievement of the main goal - the training of a qualified specialist who is competitive, able to work effectively at the level of world and European standards, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility.

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Назым Молдахметова, «№37 жалпы білім беретін мектеп» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі басшының оқу ісі жөніндегі орынбасары, ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Алматы қаласы, Бостандық ауданы Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000510
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