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Formation of pupils’ speaking skills in english lessons

A communicative approach  to learning is a fairly new means of improving education. The purpose of the communicative approach  is to create conditions for comfortable learning that promotes active interaction between students. Today, the use of a communicative approach in the learning process speaks about the innovative activities of the teacher. Communicative approach   implies learning, immersed in communication, but not replaced by it. One of the main goals of communicative approach   is the full development of students, the formation of a personality capable of independent intellectual and cognitive activity.

The task of the teacher, who uses a communicative approach  in his work, is to ensure the development of educational activities of students. In organized activities, students themselves aspire to knowledge. The result of student activity is the qualitative assimilation of knowledge.

A communicative approach  is used in educational schools to improve the educational process. Communicative approach   attracts the attention of many scholars and educators, which is why a lot of literature has been written on this topic, revealing the essence of the communicative approach . To fully disclose the content of the communicative method it is necessary to examine the definitions. The word "communicative" is based on the English  (communication), which means to be in interaction between  each other.

According to the definition of Zh. Arkhipova, “communicative approach” is learning, based on the direct interaction of students with the learning environment, in order to gain new experience.

From the point of View of K. Babannsky, "communicative approach  " is a way of learning, based on dialogue forms of interaction of participants of the educational process, during which they form the skills of joint activities. This approach is built on the principle of "all teach each and every training for all.

V.Bespalko gives the following definition of “communicative approach ” - this is a way of learning carried out in the forms of joint activity of students: all participants in the educational process interact with each other, exchange information, solve problems together, model situations, evaluate each other’s actions and their own behavior, immerse themselves in real atmosphere of business cooperation in solving problems.

Based on the above definitions, we can say that communicative approach   is based on interaction. To provide a complete description of communicative method it is necessary to disclose the term “communication and speaking”.

According to I.L.Bim, “communicative pedagogical interaction” is an intensified purposeful activity of the teacher and trainees in organizing interaction with each other for the purposes of development.

E.Passov states that communicative interaction develops students' activity, creates conditions for competition, as well as for cooperation of efforts. In the process of interaction, the statement of one student causes the reaction of other students.

Communicative method plays an important role in the learning process. First, there is an increase in the intellectual activity of subjects of the educational process. Secondly, conditions are created for competition and joint efforts. It is important to note that there is also a psychological factor: the statements of partners cause each student his own ideas and contradictions within the framework of the presented question, which turns into a discussion.

In the course of communicative interaction between students and the teacher, an communicative process arises. The definition proposed by A. Bervitsky, fully reflects the essence of this phenomenon. The “communicative process” is a process of purposeful interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process. The basis of this interaction is the personal experience of each of the students. The communicative process is characterized by a high intensity of communication, communication, exchange of activities, change and variety of activities, procedural, focused reflection by participants in their activities and interaction.

Expanding the essence of the communicative method it is important to determine the methods used in the framework of communicative approach.   

By definition, N.D. Galskova, “communicative teaching methods” is an interconnected joint activity of students and teachers in which all participants of the educational process interact with each other, exchange information, solve problems together, model situations, evaluate each other’s actions and their own behavior, immerse themselves in real atmosphere cooperation in joint resolution of problems.

Based on a study by Galskova N.D., Gez N.I., communicative approach   methods are a system of pedagogical tools aimed at ensuring the educational process, as well as conditions for self-acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge gained in the process of learning interaction.

According to the research of E.E. Lushnikova, communicative teaching methods are a certain system of organized interaction between the teacher and students in the form of Communicative method providing constant communication that allows students to face different situations and thus gain and accumulate experience.

The communicative methods are based on the orientation to a wider interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other, as well as to increase the activity of students in the learning process.

Based on the presented definitions, we can draw the following conclusions:

-         A communicative approach involves the interaction of students in the

educational process;

-        Students are constantly involved in active work that ensures the achievement of

high results.

The communicative approach  is aimed at the development of the educational process. The priority tasks of communicative approach  are:

-        Development of student speaking skills  ;

-         Increased interest in the subject;

-         High-quality learning materials;

-         Organization of independent work of students in solving the tasks;

-         Forming one’s own opinions;

-         Ability to defend their point of views;

-         Ability to work in a team, respectful to all participants in the educational


Thus, a communicative approach  can be defined as a special form of organizing cognitive and communicative activities, in which students are not only involved in the process of knowledge, but also have the opportunity to reflect on what they know and think.

The study and analysis of literary sources allows us to describe the essence of communicative approach. A communicative approach  to learning ensures the interaction of subjects, and also creates all conditions for communication in the framework of the educational process. The main source of educational knowledge is the life experience of students.  During the training, students share experiences, share knowledge, thoughts, and solutions to the  tasks. Communication  is  very  important subcompetence  of  intercultural communication”  states   S.S. Kunanbayeva.

The role  of the teacher in this approach  is reduced  to a minimum and consists in the organization of joint activities of students, thanks to which  the  students introduce  individuality into the educational  process.

A communicative approach creates favorable conditions for solving creative tasks and also contributes to the development of   speaking through diverse thinking. Students express their views and learn to defend their opinions. In the course of communicative method contradictions may arise, with students learning to interact with each other. The whole learning process, based on a communicative method is characterized by student activity throughout the lesson. Students quickly perceive and assimilate the information received. In the course of communicative method all students are equal.

In general, the basic idea of a communicative approach  is aimed at developing and developing speaking skills   , ensuring joint activities and increasing students' motivation. Communicative forms of education can be contributed to the effective assimilation of educational material. The communicative approach  is considered the most effective when learning to speak a foreign language. It helps reduce the difficulties that arise in the learning process.

That is why most scientists and educators tend to assume that the need for the use of communicative forms in teaching is increasing. The use of communicative forms provides a large amount of time for speech practice for each student. Thus, the material is absorbed faster and more efficiently. It can be assumed that such knowledge is remembered much stronger. The argument to this statement is the scheme, presented as a percentage of the digestible information. To ensure the effective organization of the educational process within the framework of a communicative method certain conditions must be met.

There must be a friendly and respectful relationship between the teacher and the students. All participants in the educational process should adhere to a democratic style of behavior. In the learning process, the main role is played by cooperation not only between the teacher and the students, but also between the students. In the course of solving the set tasks, students need to use their personal pedagogical experience, give their own examples, and defend their point of view.

The communicative approach  includes a variety of forms of presenting information, as well as a variety of forms of student activity in the process of communicative approach .

A communicative approach  develops student motivation. It is also important that the mutual motivation of students develops. Communicative forms of education are designed to ensure the development of speaking skills     , as well as the development of creative abilities of students. The ability to work in a team is developed, mutual respect of all participants in the educational process is ensured.

The use of communicative teaching methods requires the teacher to display creativity in the process of organizing educational activities.

The teacher, choosing these or other forms of communicative approach   should take into account the characteristics of students, as well as the appropriateness of their conduct.

In pedagogy, various classifications of teaching methods are known. To date, the most important classification is the determining role of the teacher and students in the learning process. On the basis of this characteristic, allocate passive, active and communicative methods. It is not by chance that this characteristic is of the greatest interest. Relatively recently, communicative methods have become a separate group. It should be noted that some scientists still equate communicative and active teaching methods.

The analysis of pedagogical literature allows to determine the distinctive features of active and communicative methods. For full disclosure of distinctive features, let's compare active and communicative approach   by the following criteria:

-        Position of teacher and students;

-        Organization of communication in the educational process;

-        Purpose of education process;

-        Teaching methods;

-        Basic principles of approach.

Active communicative learning involves students in the role of subjects in learning activities. During the lesson, students communicate with the teacher, take an active part in the cognitive process, fulfilling the tasks assigned. Communicative approach   is aimed at developing students' ability to adapt in a group, the ability to formulate and clearly express their thoughts and ideas. Students should be able to manage their activities in the framework of the educational process.

Communicative approach    also involves the use of such methods in which the activity of students is productive, creative and exploratory in nature. Active teaching methods require activation of students' thinking. Students should be actively involved throughout the lesson. Students are required to independently develop and search for solutions to the tasks.

Communicative approach   methods can be represented in the following groups:

-         Discussion;

-         Gaming;

-         Training;

-         Assessment.

Active teaching methods have long been known in pedagogy. The founders of this method are Komensky, Rousseau, Hegel. Today, the development of teaching methods leads to the improvement of educational activities. Communicative approach  to learning is considered the improvement of Communicative approach   methods, because it has a personality-oriented orientation. Communicative approach   involves students not only interacting with the teacher. Basically, it is the interaction between the students themselves.

Communicative approach   involves the interaction of students with a learning environment that promotes the acquisition of knowledge. Communicative approach   is built on the psychological characteristics of human relationships. Participant interaction is a key requirement for online learning. Learning involves students working together

The tasks of communicative teaching methods are aimed at developing the speaking skills  of independent information retrieval. Students have the opportunity to analyze the information received and share the results of their decisions. Communicative methods have the greatest range of possibilities. These methods allow students to interact with each other as part of the learning process. Communicative methods are taught to work not only independently, but also in a team. Students learn to respect each other's opinions. The classification of forms of communicative approach   presents some difficulties and, therefore, will be discussed further.  Communicative approach   implies a two-way communication model, where each student interacts with the teacher. The model of multilateral communication, used in a communicative method ensures the interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other.

The role of the teacher in communicative approach    is reduced to the performance of organizational functions. The teacher creates the conditions for the implementation of educational interaction between students.  In general, communicative methods are focused on learning by interaction. The role of the teacher in the communicative approach  is replaced by the activity of the students.

Communicative-oriented teaching based on lexical skills is an approach to teaching that is directed at developing communicative abilities in the students  either by teaching aspects of communicative skill (the weak version) or by creating conditions for students  to learn through communicating.  It is through the communicative-oriented teaching  to the teaching of language skills that this laudable objective is achieved.  As a result of its effectiveness in language teaching, the approach is highly recommended by experts in modern language teaching.  It is the view of these experts that, through this approach, students easily understand and perform effectively in their target language.  On the other hand, the traditional approach to language teaching is very much discouraged nowadays in favor of the communicative-oriented teaching.  This is as a result of its obvious shortcomings, which will be examined later in this research.  It is pertinent at this stage to highlight the characteristics of these two approaches. 

          Through more than twenty years, communicative-oriented teaching  has been confirmed and spread widely. Communicative-oriented teaching  is the innovation of the foreign language teaching. Not only does it improve students’ communicative skill effectively, but also carries out the quality education in foreign language teaching. This thesis will take a look at the communicative-oriented teaching  to the teaching of foreign languages. It is intended as an introduction to the communicative-oriented teaching  for the teachers and teachers-in-training who want to provide opportunities in the classroom for their students to engage in real-life communication in the target language. This diploma thesis starts with the emergence, definition and peculiarities   of communicative-oriented teaching. It also makes us aware of the obvious differences between communicative-oriented teaching  and other ways of language teaching. How to apply communicative-oriented teaching  to the teaching of foreign languages is mainly talked about. At last, three important pairs of connections in communicative-oriented teaching  are provided and the future of the communicative-oriented teaching  in foreign language teaching is described. 

        Therefore, the communicative-oriented approach is the leading means of achieving this goal. It provides a complete and balanced coverage of all parties, aspects and operations of mastering a foreign language in the complex of all its functions. 

G.Rogova suggests that teachers should be prepared to use the language for real communication outside the classroom, for example, during a visit to the country of the language being studied, during the reception of foreign guests at home, during correspondence. At the same time, the term communicativeness is not limited only to the establishment of social contacts with the help of speech; this is the introduction of the personality to the spiritual values of other cultures. And thus, the goal of learning foreign languages is learning free orientation in a foreign language environment and the ability to respond adequately in different situations, that is, communication.

Communicative methods increase interest in learning. Interest is achieved through interaction during the educational process. Independence of students develops in the process of finding solutions to the tasks.

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Алтынай Нұрақыш, «№37 жалпы білім беретін мектеп» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Алматы қаласы, Бостандық ауданы Ұлы Дала Ұстазы № 000507
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