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ID: ESI298

Pedagogical conditions of formation of digital literacy of future teachers of foreign language


The article substantiates the importance of the problem of forming the digital competence of future teachers. In the period of the accelerating technological development of the digital society and the widespread introduction of digital technologies, the creation of a digital educational environment, it is necessary to resolve the contradiction between the demand for teachers with developed digital competence and their insufficient training in the aspect of the digital component for the successful use of digital technologies in professional pedagogical activity. The formation of digital competence is possible in the process of implementing educational programs of higher education, as well as advanced training and professional training programs. The teacher has an important role to play in adapting digital innovation to improve the quality of learning.

Key words: digital literacy, digital competence, digital technologies, digital educational environment

В статье обоснована актуальность проблемы формирования цифровой компетенции будущих учителей. В период ускоренного технологического развития цифрового общества и повсеместного внедрения цифровых технологий, создания цифровой образовательной среды необходимо разрешить противоречие между востребованностью учителей с развитыми цифровыми компетенциями и их недостаточной подготовкой в аспект цифровой составляющей для успешного использования цифровых технологий в профессиональной педагогической деятельности. Формирование цифровых компетенций возможно в процессе реализации образовательных программ высшего профессионального образования, а также программ повышения квалификации и профессионального обучения. Учителю отводится важная роль в адаптации цифровых инноваций для повышения качества обучения

Ключевые слова: цифровая грамотность, цифровая компетенция, цифровые технологии, цифровая образовательная среда.


The original research model assumes that the teacher's ability to transmit to the child the necessary for his later life knowledge, skills independent cognition and development, and most importantly, the attitude towards this development is based on two prerequisites:

  1. digital literacy of a teacher,
  2. his professional ICT (innovation computer technology) competencies.

Like a person of any other profession, the teacher must have digital literacy, that 

is, the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for life in a digital society. Already today in developed countries without the proper level of digital literacy, the very fact of employment of a person, including a teacher, becomes impossible, not to mention that digital literacy is the foundation for the development of professional ICT competencies. In turn, the teacher's ICT competence is it is knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow he is free to use ICT to organize the educational process at all its stages – from preparing for classes to creating a digital environment that helps build

individual educational trajectories of students, to motivate them to learn, analyze and predict their academic performance. 

The purpose of this article was to identify the current state of digital competence of a teacher based on the analysis of empirical data obtained during a survey of current teachers and future teachers - students of the pedagogical direction on the use of digital technologies in the educational process.

In the course of the study of the digital competence of teachers in the context of the digitalization of the educational environment of the school, the authors will have to solve the following research tasks: prepare materials for questioning teachers that characterize the manifestation of digital competencies in various projections (work with content, communication, consumption, techno sphere), conduct a survey of teachers to identify them digital competence, formulate conclusions about the current state of digital competence of teachers, outline the prospects for research in the field of digital competence of teachers.

The object of the research is the system of professional training of future teachers in the English language.

Research hypothesis effective formation of professional competencies in future teachers in English using information technology is possible if:

- the substantive characteristics of professional competencies in the field of educational, methodological and research activities are revealed; criteria and indicators are developed; the levels of their formation are characterized;

- Digital technologies play a key role in the organization of the educational process. They can be used as a tool for collaboration, organizing active cognitive activity. Digital competencies of a teacher today are universal in nature and provide participants in the educational process with mechanisms for adapting to the digitalization of society, and the digital competence of a teacher becomes the basis for the full participation of teachers and schoolchildren in the knowledge society, disclosing the talents of students. 

In general, the concept of functional literacy is the main factor that promotes the active participation of people (individuals) in social, cultural, political and economic activities and lifelong learning. That is, to keep up with the times of today's globalization. Thus, functional literacy is a constant improvement of knowledge, regardless of profession and age. Here one should be guided by functional qualities: activity, creative thinking, the ability to make decisions, the ability to choose the right profession, etc. That is, the formation of intellectually, physically and spiritually developed citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in secondary schools is aimed at meeting their educational needs, ensuring their social adaptation in a physically changing world. It is necessary to develop students' critical thinking in order to increase the functional literacy of students. One of the main objectives of the new innovative project "Developing critical thinking through reading and writing" is to help teachers develop new thinking, problem-solving skills, change teachers of traditional teaching, organize child-centered, active, equal learning. relying on the student, teachers who deeply understand the philosophy of the project contribute to the development of students as spiritually developed individuals who openly express their views and honestly talk with each other. Students' enthusiasm for learning allows them to increase their activity in the classroom, improve the quality of learning, and form an understanding of the benefits of learning. The teaching structure should be designed in such a way that students understand and accept the goals set by the teacher, and the student must actively pursue the goals set by the teacher. In English lessons, I use various methods to improve the quality of knowledge and skills of students, to increase their motivation. Among them are several methods that I use in the educational process that help to increase the functional literacy of students.

Features of the lesson on the use of ICT:

• The teacher asks the student a question and the student answers immediately;

• The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment;

• Problems arising when a student is working with a computer can be solved in a timely manner;

• The student independently performs some operations, learns to work with a computer;

• Get answers from all students in the class and combine their knowledge with practice;

• Allows students with low levels of education to work independently.

An effective form of training and organization of training will be "Group work". Benefits of organizing group work:

• There will be an increase in the number of materials to be mastered and the need to understand them.

• Less time is spent developing new concepts, concepts and skills than in general education.

• Cognitive activity and creativity of students increases.

• Relations with students are improved.

• Self-criticism rises, the student, who is accustomed to working with classmates, is able to correctly assess and control his abilities. Teaches life skills.

Today, the benefits of multimedia and digital technologies in increasing the effectiveness of teaching IL is recognized by the absolute majority of research methodologists. For example, an outstanding representative of the domestic linguodidactic R.K. Potapova believes that in the cycle of academic disciplines studied in both secondary and higher education, it is difficult, perhaps, to find another such a discipline in teaching which the idea of using different kind of technical teaching aids would find the same active response as in the practice of teaching foreign languages [1]. In her opinion, the introduction of computer technology into the educational process can solve a number of important problems of the educational process. First, narrow the time gap between acquaintance with new phenomena and control of results. Secondly, to solve the problem of insufficient differentiation of teaching, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Thirdly, to establish the process of purposeful teaching of students to methods of independent work. [2] In addition, multimedia and digital resources give learners access to accumulated knowledge in a wide variety of formats. Today, there is no doubt about the fact that figurative information assimilates better than text and multimedia resources in this regard have great potential. By combining text with verbal and graphic information, dynamics and sound, such resources make the learning process more effective due to the impact on several channels of perception at the same time, and the learning outcomes, respectively, are stronger. [3]

Comprehension of the theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and the application of the above methodological approaches to disclose the component the composition of the digital competence of the teacher led to the conclusion that the structure the considered competence can be represented by components that take into account the characteristics of professional and pedagogical activity: motivational and personal, cognitive, activity and reflective and evaluative. The motivational and personal component of the digital professional competence of a teacher in modern conditions is of particular interest, since it reflects a person's conscious need for the use of digital technologies in professional activities. V.V. Kislyakov and O. Y. Kolyshev believe that this component "is characterized by a system of dominant motives expressing a person's conscious attitude to the goals and values of pedagogical activity, to their own professional development". [4] According to L. I. Bozhovich, motives are divided into two general categories. The first category includes the training itself. activity and the process of its implementation (cognitive interests, mastering new knowledge, abilities, skills). The second is related to the need for communication, for assessment and approval of feedback. [5] Thus, the motivational component of digital professional competence can be defined as the sum of internal and external motives for their future professional activities, characterized by the desire of the future teacher to use digital technologies, the desire to improve in this area, the formation of an internal desire to achieve success in solving non-standard problems. 

Cognitive component. The importance of this component in the professional activity of a teacher is noted by many scientists. Thus, E.G. Gutsu characterizes the cognitive component as the presence of relevant integrated knowledge, the ability to continuously improve it, the readiness for creative activity, the possession of flexibility and critical thinking, the ability to analyze the professional situation and reflection. [6] A.A. Abdukadyrov presents the cognitive component as a set of methodological, theoretical and technological knowledge that combine general knowledge in the field of computer technology and pedagogical knowledge on the use computer technologies and are used in solving professional problems [7]. D.V.Dudko believes that the cognitive component of professional activity a teacher is a willingness to constantly improve their educational level, the need to actualize and realize their personal potential, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, the desire for self-development, constant enriching your professional competence. [8]

Activity component. According to O. A. Abdullina, in general terms the activity component defines the operational essence of the knowledge and skills as a result of mastering the methods and techniques of activity; as the ability of a person, based on knowledge and skills, to perform any activity or action in changing conditions. [9] V.V.Kotenko understands the activity component as an active use of the possibilities of new information technologies and computer in professional activity, as a factor in the development of information culture, self-development, as well as the process of forming the same qualities in students [10]. V.V.Brezhnev believes that this component contains skills in collecting and processing educational information, developing creative projects, striving for mastering the methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of information, the ability to technologize work with information, to choose the optimal solution [11]. 

Reflexive-evaluative component of digital professional competence includes the ability to analyze and self-analyze the activity being performed, agree on goals, methods and results obtained, understand your style of activity, readiness for its creative change, readiness for self-improvement and self-development, skills and abilities of self-control, self-regulation, self-awareness and self-realization. The teacher's ability to reflect largely determines the success of his professional actions in new conditions for him. Therefore, the value pedagogical reflection especially increases in innovation. [12]


Having analyzed the approaches of various scientists to the definition of the concept of a given component, we will assume that the activity component consists in the practical embodiment of the professional and pedagogical knowledge of the future teacher, his intellectual, cognitive, technical, design and technological skills; the necessary skills for the effective implementation of digital technologies in the educational process, for an informed choice of digital content, ensuring digital security and health and safety regulations for the use of digital devices; in mastering the skills of creating your own digital content; in acquiring the skills of organizing communication between participants educational process, etc. This work opens up opportunities for further research in the field of determining the structure of the phenomenon of "digital competence of a teacher", which is one of the components of the professionalism of a modern teacher that meets the requirements of society in the digital economy. Proposed the component composition of the phenomenon of "digital competence of a teacher" can be is the basis for the development of programs of optional courses for students of the pedagogical direction of training, programs of advanced training courses and additional education of teachers. As a result of purposeful and systematic project activity, each child not only forms a bank of creative works, but also significantly increases the motivation to learn the language, develop communicative, research, presentation skills, thinking, skills of working in cooperation, consolidate the experience of a detailed, meaningful, differentiated self-assessment and assessment activities, which provides a comfortable transition to the next stage of teaching English in high school. In addition, the project method allows you to integrate various activities, making the learning process more fun, more interesting, and therefore more effective. Guys with different abilities become successful and in demand in project activities. Without coercion, students repeat lexical and grammatical material many times, perceiving project work not as a learning task, but as encouragement. During the implementation of projects, many educational, special and communication skills are developed.


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