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ID: ESI109


Abstract: The article examines the stages of studying experiments on the subject “How to improve students' understanding of physical concepts by teaching English in high school?” and provides guidelines for research. 

            What is Action research?

The action is a follow-up approach that involves the implementation of consistent, planned actions to improve the practice of teaching and learning coupled with systematic monitoring of the results obtained during its implementation. The structure of “Action Research” consists of action (solving specific problems in real situations) and research (striving to achieve knowledge of science). 

My experience with the practice research team in action helped me organize the conditions under which I can learn from my own experience and make this experience available to others. In the course of the implementation of the research problem, I singled out three main stages: planning, taking concrete actions, collecting facts about the results of the actions, processing them for further actions. The data collected during the process aimed at improving the practice of teaching and initiate a continuous search process, which makes the study take the form of a cycle. That is, our research does not stop, and we are looking for more effective ways to address current educational challenges. 

First steps in Action research. 

At the first stage of this research, the working group Study of Practice in Action. The researcher familiarized herself with the provisions of the project and selected Group 11F-2 handled by Bohanova Nurgul Sarsenbekovna. The researcher then began to look for literature on “Action Research” where she accumulated enough materials for further work. The process of selecting the research topic was quite a long and arduous process as it requires a well-considered approach. To identify a problem in the group, the researcher sought for assistance from colleagues. After a series of lesson observations, problems such as a low level of knowledge of subject terminology in English was observed. Basing on this observation, the research topic: “How to improve the understanding of physical concepts when studying a subject in English in high school?” was decided. 

The researcher’s colleague considered this issue as relevant, since our school is testing the integrated programs, for example, subject-language integrated learning in order to improve the understanding of physical concepts when studying the subject in English in high school. Based on the problem observed, the researcher thought of the search for forms, methods and techniques for working on the research topic. 

Planning Information Collection.

 Before proceeding with the data collection, the researcher decided as to what information would be useful in order to learn more about the problem being investigated, and which would allow for necessary adjustments with the plans. The researcher started to collect information and study methods of work and at the same time, kept a reflective diary. The reflective diary is composed of notes in which examples from the practical activities of the teacher can be traced, confirmed by the relevant knowledge of theoretical material and accompanied by an in-depth analysis of the results of practical activities. According to the results of reflection, it is possible not only to think about future activities, but also to build its realistic structural basis, directly arising from the peculiarities of the previous activity. In the reflective diary, the researcher indicated the basis on choosing a topic and basis for planning my activities.

 Дата/ Тема урока Какое задание использовала Что нового узнала о поведении учащихся Корректировка последующих действий - Тербелістер кезіндегі энергияның түрленуі «Term», Activity «True or false», Activity «Spider diagram». Некоторые ученики были неактивными, так как у них уровень английского языка низкий. По необходимости давала возможность сделать задание на казахском. 

Methods of collecting information used. 

1. Refinement of the level of the English language, which allows to define an understanding of the physical concepts for organizing work and improving the learning process 

2. Use of various training methods such as differentiation, “KWL Chart” activity, “Matching terms and definition”, “Game board”, “Term”, “Question loop”, “Physical dictation”, “Spider diagram” Activity, “Think, pair, share” activity, “Glossaries”, Multiple choice questions, and “True or false” activity. 

For example: "True or false" Activity. Red and green cards: Find a false and correct statement. 

Each student has a red and green cards. If the statement is correct, the student raises the green card, if false - red. This activity was used to develop listening skills and also to assess the understanding of the material. 

“Spider diagram” Activity- this activity allowed students to create a mental map of useful words on a topic. The teacher selects the basic concept associated with the material, puts it in the middle of the blackboard in a circle or square and asks students to name keywords on this topic. This activity can be done in two stages. First, the teacher asks as many associations as possible, and then ask the students to put all the words they have categorized. After students have done a series of diagrams, they can create them on their own or in small groups. This work develops the skills of critical thinking, the synthesis of topics covered. At the same time, it develops speaking skills; if it is used in English, then, considerably, speaking and writing skills in English.

 “Question loop” Activity. The researcher distributed cards with answers and questions to the learners. Learners then ask questions to each other, look for the answer in their card and read the answer out loud. This type of activity works well when checking homework, and also develops students' skills in speaking, reading and pronunciation of terms in English. 0 2/10 4/10 6/10 8/10 1 

 3. Feedback forms: ‘Effective”, “Descriptive”, “Evaluative”, “Motivational” allow constantly keep in touch with students, identify their problems, be in the zone of proximal development.

 4. Conducting an interview, the purpose of which was to find out how children understand the concept of “Lifelong learning”. Moreover, it allowed learners to see a new facet of learning and further their perspectives. Additionally, successful students were awakened by the desire to help uncertain classmates to overcome difficulties learning. I was pleased that the students openly admitted about their cognitive problems and the desire to overcome them.

 5. Keeping a reflective diary. The researcher reflected through, collected and read a lot of information, developed her own form of reference on the basis of the data obtained. Through this, the researcher realized that this required much work, due to the fact that the researcher wanted to reflect too much in it.

 6. Applied a number of teaching methods, upon completion of which the researcher conducted a reflection, which made it possible to analyze the success and productivity of each activity.

 7. Conducted observation. The collected, recorded material provided the opportunity to view, interpret the work done, to find something new with each repeated viewing.

 The data obtained in the course of observation are crucial for searching new means of conducting a lesson, a new approach to learning, changes in teaching practice.

 The main conclusions on our problem, questions and concerns. 

It has long been noted that students exhibit better classroom performance and extra-curricular activities when it comes to experiment and other practical activities, a non-traditional form of teaching a lesson, which is still not fully understood and appreciated. When the researcher learned that a pedagogical research is to be conducted, she encouraged students to get together, become more active, and engage in productive work. This helped a lot in organizing and conducting class work.

 The colleagues, with whom the researcher communicated most often, are those which the researcher teach in the level, who are teachers of Grade 11. When these colleagues learned about the planned action research, they expressed their desire to get involved and volunteered to collect more resource materials. This simply shows that for everyone in the school community, conducting action research for the betterment of the teaching and learning process is important. The outcome of this action research will be shared to the pedagogical team and to all the members of NIS community.

 Results and difficulties. 

At the beginning of this research activity, the researcher had difficulty in choosing a class, a research topic, and a work plan, since this is a new kind of study of the educational process and in general for the school. Owning the theory, in practice turned out to be difficult. One distinct problem is the lack of knowledge of the English language teacher. For example, the researcher’s level of knowledge of English I have 4.5 points on IELTS, which is deemed lacking. At the beginning, the researcher gave assignments and terminology in three languages, then as a result of the survey and research work, I began to give terminology and assignments only in English, by using the scaffolding method if necessary. After six (6) months’ worth of work, the researcher has observed significant results. Initially at the beginning of the study on incoming monitoring, students showed 20% of the quality of knowledge of physical terminology on the topic in English (in October). By the end of third quarter, based on the results of the formative work with terminology, students showed an increase of up to 70% in the quality of knowledge. This confirms the relevance of the identified solution to the problem. 

The researcher’s thoughts on the use of research practice in action, at school. 

The system y pedagogical activity is based on the idea of support, self-mastery of knowledge, and the fact that advancing one’s learning is a joy. All this can be achieved only if one can find means for each student to help him or her overcome the difficulties the encounter, which is mostly cognitive in nature. And to find real forms of effective teaching method, one can uncover it through research and pedagogical observation. The reflection of these methods can be observed in the work of students - these are tests, multi-level tasks, independent work, mini-projects and the likes, which are evidence of a student’s progress or difficulty. 


1. http://sk.nis.edu.kz/Bank/Show/24333 

2. http://conference.nis.edu.kz/moodle/index.php 3. Action Research introduction guide.doc

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SALTANAT ZHALMAKHANOVA, Physics teacher Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Shymkent Ұлы дала ұстазы № 000049
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