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В статье ставится задача определить уровень в области математики образовательной системы Казахстана и сравнить с Сингапуром, где математическая наука находится на пике. Цель моего исследования - изучить сильные стороны системы образования Сингапура и улучшить казахстанскую систему математического образования, предоставляя новые методы обучения и обновляя цели обучения в Казахстане. 

TIMSS measures trends in mathematics and science achievement that have been held every four years in the fourth and eighth grades since 1995. Singapore students ranked first in the world in mathematics by trends in the study of mathematics and natural Sciences-2015 (TIMSS) at the age of 9 to 10 years; Kazakh students ranked 12th out of 57 participating countries. Kazakh students were among the lowest in all industrialized countries. Since it is unreasonable to assume that Singapore students possess mathematical skills that are inherently superior to Kazakh students, there is something to be done with a program developed by Singapore to teach mathematics that is better than the current system used by the government of Kazakhstan. 

This study focuses on key aspects of the mathematical systems of Singapore and Kazakhstan in primary school, where students really need to build a solid mathematical foundation. Significant differences between mathematical base, textbooks, examinations and school teachers of Singapore and Kazakhstan are revealed. 

The purpose of this research work is to identify the level in the field of mathematics of the educational system of Kazakhstan and a comparison with Singapore, where mathematical science is at its peak. The ISSN:2663-2543 • «UDU» 19 purpose of my research is to explore, identify the strengths of the Singapore education system and improve the Kazakhstan mathematical education system, providing unique teaching methods and updating Kazakhstan’s learning objectives.


Education contributes to mental and intellectual nutrition and human growth. A person cannot develop intellectually without education and cannot develop working skills and abilities. Education encourages society to be enlightened, empowered, and liberated. And so, my main goal is to identify the strengths of the Singapore Educational System, especially in the field of mathematics and introduce universal teaching methods in the education system of Kazakhstan. 

As we know, Singapore was actually founded in 1819 as a British trading colony and joined Malaysia in 1963, but after two years left it and became an independent city-state. By 2000, per capita growth was about $ 25,000, which is one of the highest rates in the world. Economic growth in Singapore is described as “a modern miracle, because only one resource, its individuals, created its success” (MariMari, 2003). Singapore’s emphasis on education is seen as the main reason for its economic success. Instruction arrangement in Singapore has been turned on its head since the mid-nineties. The range and profundity of instructive changes right now being attempted in Singapore is remarkable. The changes streaming from the `Thinking Schools, Learning Nation’ initiative, which incorporate the objective of broad-based instructive results, the recognition of the have to be cater superior to students with diverse gifts, aptitudes and dispositions, the infusion of considering abilities, bunch and venture work within the educational programs. This way Singapore has gradually developed their education system, especially in mathematics sphere.

 One indicator of the effectiveness of its education systems is Singapore's superior performance on trends in international mathematics and science studies. In 1999, the top average score among students from the 38 countries participating in TIMSS - R was earned by Singapore's eighth grade students. Forty -six percent of Singapore's students were among the top ten percent of all test takers, five times the nine percent of U. S. students. More than two - thirds of U. S. students were even a Singaporean student in the lower quartile of Singaporean students (Mullis, et al., 2000). In 2003, the top average score among students from 46 countries was retained by eighth grade students in Singapore (Mullis et al., 2004). Exhibit 2–1. Singapore and U. S. Eighth Grade Percent Correct Items on TIMSS, 1999 and 2003 

How can mathematics, a small nation that has only recently been among the world's poorest countries, achieve such high results? What factors explain Singapore's world-class math? A highly centralized education system is supervised and coordinated by the Singapore Ministry of Education. A highly centralized education system is supervised and coordinated by the Singapore Ministry of Education. The Ministry established a national curriculum, developed a curriculum to guide the teaching of all the necessary subjects in all schools and established uniform grades with high rates in both primary and secondary schools. Singapore's education system consists of six years of primary schooling and four or five years of secondary education (Singapore, 2003). In primary classes 1–4, pupils undergo a four-year basic phase, followed by a two-year orientation phase in initial classes 5 and 6. Singapore and Kazakhstan have similar correspondence of age in the elementary grades; fourth graders are nine years of age. Basic literacy emphasis and initial counting. In English, eighty percent of the curriculum time is used in the native language of the student (Chinese, Malay, or Tamil) and mathematics. Science is taught only in the 3rd grade of primary classes. 

The main task of Singapore Education consists of several parts. First, compliance with arithmetic set forth in the requirements and framework is significant. Definition of the content of training instructors, the daily content of textbooks extremely important (McKnight et al., 1987; Tyson and Woodward, 1989). Аn amazing textbook on fundamental mathematics has to offer rich mathematical content that as usual with content inside and delivered using sound pedagogical methods (AAAS, 2000). This should be constructed so that students leave the course, knowledge is not only the mechanics of solving mathematical problems, but additionally mathematical principles in themselves. The textbook should also provide students with enough exercises to practice math standards they studied. The emergence of Singapore's math textbooks to start no longer encourages self-confidence that they can meet these standards, unlike most traditional mathematical texts, Singapore books are paperback books, with simple sketches and no pictures, only sketch. For example, a smiling boy or woman accompanies an area of ideas that offers tips for solving problems. For individuals, Singaporean books may look like American texts from the 1950s. Singapore lyric for each class include textbooks and workbooks, each approximately 125 pages and costing about 2-3 dollars in Singapore. 

Key aspects of Singapore's education system for educating its students: 

1. Communication is the ability to communicate mathematical ideas and explain problem solutions using language. 

2. Reasoning and proof cover the skills of logical thinking, including the making and investigation of mathematical conjectures, the development and evaluation of mathematical arguments and the use of many kinds of reasoning and evidence methods. 

3. Representation is the ability to "apply mathematical translations to solve problems, " move from abstract concepts to symbols, expressions, or diagrams, and the ability to "use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena. " 

4. Connections are the ability to "understand how to interconnect mathematical ideas" and "apply mathematics in contexts outside mathematics. " 

The Minister of Education of Kazakhstan cares about the education of school children, or will do everything necessary to ensure that citizens have education. Moreover, 21st century knowledge is a step for the future and its importance is very great. First, education is a priority value that provides social socioeconomic advancement and is an important source of human behaviour motivation. Second, by creating the best opportunities for each citizen to achieve quality education, it becomes a pillar in solving many social problems. Third, cultural development, economic prosperity, and political stability are guaranteed. At the same time, in contemporary society, where the presence of the large middle class guarantees its stability and symbolizes the resolution of a whole chain of hidden economic problems, education is an integral part of middle-class formation and reproduction. 

Kazakhstan is the first CIS country that joined the Bologna process, which is aimed at creating a single education space. The transition to a three-level higher education system (Bachelor, Master and Ph. D. ) is associated with one of the Bologna principles. In Kazakhstan, a new law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" adopted on July 27, 2007 introduced the three - level structure of higher and postgraduate education. 

Studies program of leading countries participating in the study Education planning a complex of educational events, organization and presentation of which are important components in learning students. The content of the educational process is formed by a number of decisions taken in accordance with the goals set priorities, policies and historically developed country traditions. The TIMSS International Study Evaluation Structure provides the following model for the implementation of the training programmes: 

Compared to ours the education system in Singapore is flexible and meets children's needs with different skills, interests and inclinations, educating moral values. The biggest mistake of the educational system of Kazakhstan in the field of mathematical sciences is that the child learns the mechanical calculation of the problem, and he still does not recognize the meaning of the problem or how to use it in real life. And so, the child will have difficulty with the development of logical thinking. And also, he can only think within the framework of this task, but not outside. 

Analysis of TIMSS-2011 results showed that fourth graders in Kazakhstan demonstrated an average level of knowledge in natural science and mathematics subjects. The average percentage of the 50 questions put forward was 49.7 percent of the correct task performance. In terms of areas-in mathematics 51.2 percent and in natural science 48.2 percent. 

In subjects of natural science and mathematical cycle, eighth graders demonstrated a low level of knowledge. Thus, the percentage of correct execution was 46.8 percent (47.2 percent in math and 46.5 percent in natural science) on average of 65 proposed assignment tests. (1.1 fig.) 

Analysis of the results of the mathematics test tasks showed that most students successfully completed knowledge reproduction (basic level) assignments. The difficulty caused tasks that required a freely built response. 

Compared to the TIMSS-2007 results, there is a significant decrease in indicators of a high level of mathematical training. Kazakh school children with less successful "Application" and "Reasoning" assignments. Implementing mathematical tasks that require data charts, tables and graphs to be interpreted causes some difficulties for testing participants in Kazakhstan. Of the 175 TIMSS-2011 test tasks for 4 classes, 33% do not match Kazakhstan's primary school curriculum. 5% of the math test tasks of TIMSS-2011 do not correspond to the 8th grade curriculum. Only 7% of fourth graders in Kazakhstan reached an advanced ISSN:2663-2543 • «UDU» 21 mathematical training level. Kazakhstan's fourth graders showed the result one level higher than the international average point, which corresponds to the world's 27th rating position of 50 countries. A high mathematical training level reached 23% of the country's 8th grade students. Kazakhstan's eighth graders demonstrated an average level of mathematical readiness with a rating of 42 country-participants taking 17th place. 

We started our analysis of Singapore's mathematical system, indicating that Singapore was not always as successful as it is now, measured by its students ' performance on international evaluations. Singapore has become a world-class system, dedicating more than a decade of major reforms to strengthen all aspects of the mathematical system. Our analysis revealed the Singapore system where the elements match students who understand and can apply scientific concepts and procedures to solve many non - standard maths problems. Singapore system is a different mathematical balanced structure; textbooks rich in multi - step missions and visual illustrations of abstract concepts; complex estimates; and professors who know math and are prepared to teach well. 

We have defined Kazakhstan in the current mathematics program as a direct attraction for weaknesses. Our students never go any further than learning. Mechanism for routine, one - step tasks using definitions and formulas. Because Kazakhstan is our unitary approach based on Singapore as our mathematical system. Instead, partnership must come in the form of reform. Kazakhstan's reform efforts must also require the Singapore mathematical system's general attention singularities. Copying them to Kazakhstan will require the same firm reform efforts of commitment. Kazakhstan's students deserve at least as much of the mathematical capabilities provided in "No Child Behind, " the opportunities that Singapore offers its students. 


There were several research questions I needed to explore at the beginning of this study. These questions help me to summarize the outcomes of the research and provide answers to each of the research questions. 

● Why Singapore is paying great attention to the education of the future generation? What methods of training and textbooks uses in Singapore? What 

Singaporeans most of all focus on when teaching a child to math? Singapore is an urban society that is multiracial, multi-faith, multilingual. The Chinese (77% ) are the largest ethnic group, followed by the Malay (14% ) and Indian (8% ) in Singapore. In 1970, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Singapore was about $ 300. By 2000, per capita growth was about $ 25,000, which is one of the highest rates in the world. Economic growth in Singapore is described as “a modern miracle, because only one resource, its individuals, created its success” (MariMari, 2003). 

Education system of Singapore constructed like students have to get knowledge is not only the mechanics of solving mathematical problems, but additionally understand the meaning of the task. The textbook should also provide students with enough exercises to practice math standards that they studied. 

● What are the disadvantages of the education system of Kazakhstan? 

Compared to ours the education system in Singapore is flexible and meets children's needs with different skills, interests and inclinations, educating moral values. The biggest mistake of the educational system of Kazakhstan in the field of mathematical sciences is that the child learns the mechanical calculation of the problem, and he still does not recognize the meaning of the problem or how to use it in real life. And so, the child will have difficulty with the development of logical thinking. And also, he can only think within the framework of this task, but not outside. 

● What skills can we borrow from Singapore to improve the education system of Kazakhstan? Kazakhstan can borrow from Singapore such skills like, 

a. Problem solving is the ability to "apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies" and "monitor and reflect on the mathematical probing process" 

b. Communication is the ability to communicate mathematical ideas and explain problem solutions using language. 

c. Reasoning and proof cover the skills of logical thinking, including the making and investigation of mathematical conjectures, the development and evaluation of mathematical arguments and the use of many kinds of reasoning and evidence methods. 

d. Representation is the ability to "apply mathematical translations to solve problems, " move from abstract concepts to symbols, expressions, or diagrams, and the ability to "use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena. " 

e. Connections are the ability to "understand how to interconnect mathematical ideas" and "apply mathematics in contexts outside mathematics. " 


1. The American Institutes for Research. 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007. Tel: 202-403-5000; Fax: 202-403-5001; e-mail: inquiry@air.org; Web site: http://www.air.org.

 2. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/2016/11/29/revealed-world-pupil-rankings-science-mathstimss-results/ 

3. Received: 13 August 2007 / Accepted: 26 September 2007 / Published online: 23 October 2007© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007 

4. Policy and Management Studies Academic Group, National Institute of EducationNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore , Ng Pak Tee 

5. http://iac.kz/sites/default/files/1_nac_otchet_tims_2015_russ_pdf_0.pdf 

6. http://iac.kz/en/publishing/timss-kazakhstani-students-lag-behind-math-and-science-what-do 

7.http://iac.kz/sites/default/files/nacionalnyy_otchet_rezultaty_mezhdunarodnogo_issledovaniya_ti mss-2011.pdf SALTANAT ZHALMAKHANOV


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KARLYGASH TULEGENOVA1 , NURLAN AHMEDOV2 , YERLAN ISKANDEROV3 , ANEL GALYMZHANKYZY4 , 1, 2, 3Global Perspective teachers, 411th «D» student Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Shymkent Ұлы дала ұстазы № 000048
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